I recently started the process of switching over to wayland and, so far, it’s going reasonably well. There are still a few things to get working, but I’m happy with the progress speed.

One of the more annoying problems, however, is using the clipboard. I’m mostly seeing it in Alacritty - which I didn’t really use before, so maybe that’s the culprit, but the normal select/middle click doesn’t seem to work consistently. Sometimes I does and occasionally it just doesn’t. Same for CTRL-C/CTRL-V. Either nothing gets pasted or is pastes something I selected 20 minutes ago and had forgotten about - but I can’t replace the clipboard for love nor money.

Any suggestions on this gratefully received. Ideally, I’d like it to work how it did before and consistently - which is that either of the two above mentioned methods worked.

Thanks in advance.

  • daddyjones@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    yes - sorry. It’s Arch. I’m also running in Hyprland - which you may be able to tell from the title, but I forgot to mention it in the text.

    Edit: I just checked and wl-clipboard is installed.

    • PainInTheAES@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Ok, I also run Alacritty on Arch but I’m using KDE and tmux so it might be a bit different.

      Do you have save_to_clipboard = true under [selection]?