Is it truly an adverb, though. Would that statement be considered proper English? It is a colloquialism, or some might say a metaphor, but is it considered an appropriate use of the English language to use that type of phrase? I could just imagine someone’s English professor returning an essay with a red line through that phrase.
Until you realize that home is also an adverb. Just to, y’know, drive home the point
Is it truly an adverb, though. Would that statement be considered proper English? It is a colloquialism, or some might say a metaphor, but is it considered an appropriate use of the English language to use that type of phrase? I could just imagine someone’s English professor returning an essay with a red line through that phrase.
Home is a noun, adverb, adjective, and a verb. Yes the statement is proper English.
It’s not any of what you said. It’s an adv. according to many a dictionary. I doubt that any of my pals would call that wrong or anti–English class.
(From today on, I aim to not say the fifthglyph for all 2nd posts to promote !