It’s clear that companies are currently unable to make chatbots like ChatGPT comply with EU law, when processing data about individuals. If a system cannot produce accurate and transparent results, it cannot be used to generate data about individuals. The technology has to follow the legal requirements, not the other way around.

    6 months ago

    I’m not sure where to start here. Privacy and copyright aren’t the same thing. If you don’t understand that, I doubt we’re actually able to debate this issue. People have been gossiping for as long as there has been language, and they’ve also been making shit up about each other, and as a result the law against slander is older than the Norman conquest, and HIPAA is just the latest statutory framework enshrining the very old rule that the ladies can gossip about whatever they hear in town, but the priests, doctors, and lawyers absolutely cannot. This isn’t a novel, 21st century selfish gotcha. It’s a very old, very simple principle: that some things are none of your fucking business, and if you run your mouth about people there will be consequences for it. That idea doesn’t belong to a political ideology, and it’s not an author’s monopoly. The GDPR is absolutely concerned with those rights, and it rightly sanctions violators.

    OpenAI is not society or human progress. It’s a corporation trying to make money for its shareholders who care not one whit about the future of mankind of any lofty ideal. This isn’t rugged individualism versus progress. It’s natural persons versus a corporation that wants to trod roughshod over their rights to be left alone, to be free from the publication of lies about them, and to keep from invasion by the prying eyes of robber barons, governments, and newsmen their private business. That’s best for everyone and what’s best for society and human progress: If I want you to know something about me, I’ll tell you. Otherwise, mind your own business, and that goes for OpenAI same as it goes for you.

    Edit: Also your bodily integrity example is rubbish. A surgeon who interferes with your body without your informed consent has committed a battery against you. Even in an emergency the standard is frequently that you would have consented to the surgery if you were able.

      6 months ago

      I’m not sure where to start here. Privacy and copyright aren’t the same thing.

      I never claimed it was. In fact, I pointed out the implied contradiction. If you could point out what gave you the false impression, I can hopefully be more clear in the future.