I am writing an object-oriented app to help our developers manage some cloud systems. I’d like to make the configuration information available to all the classes, but I’m not sure of a good way to do that. Everything I can think of seems to fall under the category of “global variables” which as far as I know is a Very Bad Thing.

I already have a logging Mixin class that enables logging for every class that inherits it, and I was wondering if that’s the right way to approach the configuration data:

class LoggingMixin:
    def log(cls):
        return logging.getLogger(cls.__name__)

class TestClassA(LoggingMixin):
    def testmethod1(self):
        self.log.debug("debug message from test class A")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        format="{created:<f} {levelname:>5s} {name}.{funcName:>8s} |{message}|",

    a = TestClassA()

Outputs (in case you are curious)

1688494741.449282 DEBUG TestClassA.testmethod1 |debug message from test class A|

What’s a good way of making data from a class available to all classes/objects? It wouldn’t be static, it’d be combined from a JSON file and any command line parameters.

If I copied the example above but changed it to a ConfigMixin, would that work? With the logging example, each class creates its own logger object when it first calls self.log.debug, so that might not work because each object needs to get the same config data.

Is there a pattern or other design that could help? How do you make configuration data available to your whole app? Do you have a config object that can get/set values and saves to disk, etc?

Thank you for reading, my apologies for poorly worded questions.

  • kraegar@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    Depending on what config data you need it might be a good idea to use environment variables. If all you need are server locations and credentials then environment variables are likely your best bet.

    If you need fancy JSON or something else, global variables are nice.

    • Narann@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Juste adding : You can use environment variables wrapped behind state-less class. This keep the code elegant and encapsulate variable parsing.