It felt like it was uncool to have even a touch of racism when Obama got elected and through his presidency. But since the MAGA movement, I feel like subtle and out-right racism has increased. Like a gateway was opened.

Am I trippin?

  • Snot
    5 months ago

    This is also when we saw a lot of these “free thinker” talking head fuckos show up, and they start filling gullible viewers heads with lies and a tiny bit of racism sprinkled in.

    I know I’ve already responded once, but this line reminded me of that absolute motherfucker Sam Harris.

    I am staunchly atheist and at the time it was nice having some outspoken and seemingly thoughtful atheists promoting the idea that you don’t need religion to be a decent person.

    However, that quickly became an excuse and cover for racism. People like Richard Dawkins soon showed their ass and how they were just as adamant about their own unhinged beliefs as religious people. (Dawkins lost me when he suggested that children shouldn’t be allowed to read fiction or “fairy stories” so they “know how to separate fact from fiction.” What a fucking yutz.)

    What’s even wilder to me is that the pipeline to racism ended up also turning into a pipeline into religion for men through the Manosphere. We literally have seen a drop in atheist men and an increase in atheist women. This is after nearly two decades of “outspoken atheists” who happen to mostly be male!

    Pushing the trad-wife lifestyle and Christianity are popular as hell with young men, especially under the auspices of “controlling women.”

    They still like to selectively act like they care about things like “evidence.” They are right now disingenuously presenting the long-well-known-among-women side-effects of birth control as a pretense to try to ban it.

    As an atheist, watching men who started out in an atheism pipeline be brought into the religious pipeline through racism is fucking wild.

    EDIT: Sam Harris was also one of those early “Won’t take no for an answer about a debate” guys when you’re absolutely not interested in a debate with them. His emails with Chomsky are a perfect example of two people talking past each other, because Harris isn’t actually as interested in listening to Chomsky (especially at first, when he says he does not want to debate.) as much as he is interested in getting his opportunity to voice his opinion at someone whether that person wants to hear it or not. There’s a lot of these fuckin guys around now. Debate me!!!