• SquirtleHermit@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      On the contrary, it all matters. Try like hell, go down kicking and screaming, vote for Biden if only to prevent more holes from being drilled, push for class consciousness and solidarity, get organized, get involved, and bail water like crazy.

      Just don’t mistake where you are in this image, and don’t mistake the Dems for allies, they are at best a useful tool.

  • WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    So what’s the plan to change it? All I have heard proposed is don’t vote or vote third party. No third party is remotely close to having a real shot in the near term. I am disappointed in Biden on some things like Palestine, but what are my options in the near term? We need to build a progressive grass roots party but that takes time, money, and a lot of work no one seems to want to do. Protests are a path but not one that seems to be making enough impact. I hear so much negativity like this but it seems to all point towards options that won’t fix the issue. Getting Trump back will set back progressive movements drastically with the rights hold on the courts and the house. Biden has done some compromise to the left at least. We need a real path to change and it’s got to be a long term plan because democracies move slowly.

    • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I get the people are too nervous to do it this election cycle, but the real answer is to create an organized movement in which you explicitly tell Democrats they will not get your votes unless they change course.

      Let’s say that this movement occurs within the next four years and not during this election cycle. If they genuinely want to win, they will have to capitulate. We just need to give them enough time in advance and the make clear concise demands.