• ji88aja88a@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    We don’t have to have double glazed windows in Australia. The energy rating is often sold as 5 star! But, the scale is out of 10 🙄.

    We’re a dumb country when it comes to building houses. I’m not an architect, or an engineer, but, out summers reach 40°C+ in summer, yet our modern houses have dark grey roof’s made of colorbond steel. Too hot outside, let me crank my air con…there goes that 5 star rating of my barely energy efficient home

    • The star system for housing here is somewhat lacking. Input from vested interests from within industry has made it less than ideal from the consumer point of view. Although its not utterly useless like food star ratings.

      We really should be looking to certified passive houses as the aspirational standard.

    • nick@forum.fail
      1 year ago

      When I built 10 years ago 7 star was the standard they had to build to. This may vary with location, I’m in Perth.

      My house will typically drop to 18-19 overnight in winter, but on really cold nights might get as low as 16.