we were discussing money. it’s not narrowly defined by what the US government decrees. it’s a universal phenomenon across all cultures that predates even written records. do you accept barley corn as payment? the answer doesn’t matter because people have used it as money regardless.
I can’t buy a TV with turquoise either. or sumerian shillings.
And what does that tell you? That maybe those things aren’t legal currency??
now you’re shifting the goalposts. why should modern legal standards define a universal anthropolgical phenomenon?
No goalpost has been moved. Currency is clearly defined. So whatever other valuable item you try and offer up as an example will be dismissed as well.
we were discussing money. it’s not narrowly defined by what the US government decrees. it’s a universal phenomenon across all cultures that predates even written records. do you accept barley corn as payment? the answer doesn’t matter because people have used it as money regardless.