Sorry this got posted multiple times. It wasn’t working properly, so I deleted and re-posted. But then it got boosted to the rest of fedi after I’d deleted. I think the server was having some intermittent issues. So those posts links don’t work 😬

I posted this over on Mastodon at the weekend, but it seems like a good thing to promote on this group too (apologies that my text is pretty much copy paste from my Mastodon post).

This Kickstarter for a Ukrainian science fiction anthology looks great.

They already secured a grant form the Ukrainian Book Institute for many stories from Ukrainian authors (and translations into English), and have passed the funding goal for printing (plus the first two stretch goals!).

Backing starts from as little as $1 for the ebook (or $20 plus international postage for a print copy).

The usual caveats apply to risk on Kickstarter projects of course - no guarantees that any project will succeed. However, this one is from an established indie publisher with a track record of delivering on multiple Kickstarters, so it seems reasonably solid.

Personally, I’d love to see it hit the $30k stretch goal to get some illustrations, that sounds very cool.

The publishers are on Mastodon too, which is always good to see: (and they replied to my post saying they’re happy to discuss any questions re: risks etc)

Backer Update 4 from yesterday - about the experience of being a writer at war - is incredibly powerful and worth reading too:

#EmbroideredWorlds #Ukraine #ScienceFiction #SciFi #Books

  • Dana Widmo@lemmy.blahaj.zoneM
    1 year ago

    Wow! Looks like an amazing project. I had a super busy last month and forgot to check in here. It seems they collected the amount and closed the fundraiser. Hopefully, this book will be available to buy later on.

    • picard@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      1 year ago

      Very happy they got it funded - and beyond, a few stretch goals too.

      The way some of the goals were phrased makes me think it will be available beyond the Kickstarter, I believe the purpose of the campaign was to fund a print run rather than to buy a copy of the book. Will keep you updated if I learn anything else in the updates (I did back it, so they’ll be sending updates about the printing process and so on).

    • picard@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      1 year ago

      Hi Dana. They have a page up on BackerKit now with ebook and print preorders, if you are still interested:

      Preorders will be available until 12 November. $1 for the ebook, $20 for print (plus shipping; for me, to UK for two print copies, shipping - from America - came to another $18).

      It says shipping is estimated for December.