We have a Vue frontend and I’m getting some feedback when we upgrade to Vue3 we should move to React just for the ecosystem and dev availability. I thought Vue was a better/faster/easier response to react. What are your thoughts?

  • codepoet@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    I think Nuxt is light years ahead of Next, imo. Both Vue and Nuxt are easier to use than React and Next, even in their Vue3 form (despite my other comment).

  • nibblebit@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    Vue has had the fastest growing adoption for the last few years according to the Stack overflow and JetBains surveys.

    I’ve had better experiences onboarding young developers onto Vue projects than React. I also feel that Vue skills transfer better to other applications rather than front-end.

    The dev availability is different per region. We see that applicants in northern Europe for example is still very Angular leaning, while SE Asia is more Vue. I think React is mostly a West US phenomenon.

  • jmk1ng@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    I was a big fan of Vue 2. Vue 3 is a completely different library if you choose to adopt the composition API (which is where everything is headed). If everyone is going to have to learn a totally new composition pattern, might as well look at what else is out there.

    Kinda similar to the big overhaul between Angular 1 and 2

    Vue 3’s Composition API and composables are more similar to React functional components and hooks than it is to Vue 2 and its Options API. That’s not to say that React Hooks and Vue Composables are apples-to-apples. They still have different approaches to reactivity and so on, but the programming model is more familiar between the two.

    Coming to Vue 3 from 2 was a bit of whiplash. However I’ve been working with it for a few days now and have come to appreciate how much more flexible and powerful it is to have access to Vue’s reactive primitives anywhere - you don’t have to write all your business logic in the scope of a Vue instance.

    That said, it comes with a much higher learning curve. Vue 2 gave you guardrails, an easily understood component class structure, etc. That’s what I liked about it as it scaled well to large teams. Whereas React scaled to a large team quickly turns into a complete mess. Ask 10 different React engineers and you’ll get 10 surprisingly different approaches to how to implement components and architect applications.