Hi fellow anarchists and cypherpunks,

I have a harmless but very illegal hobby (in my jurisdiction) and if I get caught, I will spend some time in jail, lose my job and pay a hefty fine. I would like to buy an insurance that covers all the damages, i.e. lawyer, court, fines, compensation for time in jail, confiscated equipment and cash etc.

After months of research and pondering I came to the conclusion that such an insurance could and SHOULD exist right now!

Let me explain the idea with a short fictional story set in the near future:


I need honest feedback. Love you all!

  • citizen209@nicecrew.digital
    4 months ago

    Remeber back in the day. One recommended thing doing the darknet biz. Was to pre-pay a deposit with a good lawyer before they take or freeze any assets. Then you just can call when or if needed.
    I myself do this when I travel overseas or cross any border. but will come in handy if I have lost all my assets due to seizure etc.
    I keep a file on a remote server that is encrypted and behind a password also. that I can dump down to any device I happen to be able to get and then extract it. all it is contains is an ssh key.
    That I can hit any of my “backups”. and log in and get my goods.