This is not a problem isolated to technology. In any market with a monopoly, without competitive pressures there’s no reason for companies to maintain and improve their products.
I used to collect replicas of Greek antiquities. The replicas of the oldest showed beautiful workmanship, workmanship that took time to do. As Greek society became more affluent so bought more goods and also started exporting quality dropped as they had to mass produce and ask for a lower price. It was skilled labour too so they couldn’t just employ more people. 🤷♀️
This is not a problem isolated to technology. In any market with a monopoly, without competitive pressures there’s no reason for companies to maintain and improve their products.
I used to collect replicas of Greek antiquities. The replicas of the oldest showed beautiful workmanship, workmanship that took time to do. As Greek society became more affluent so bought more goods and also started exporting quality dropped as they had to mass produce and ask for a lower price. It was skilled labour too so they couldn’t just employ more people. 🤷♀️