Fucking hate it when my infusion site doesn’t take and my basal isn’t delivered for hours. Especially if the timing is around meal time, because I can’t know if I’m rising because of a bad site or because I underestimated my meal’s carbs. My only indicator is a radical angry mood swing that leaves me upset and embarrassed after my blood sugar finally comes down.

It’s been a fucking night.

#Diabetes #Type1Diabetes #T1D @diabetes

  • Brian Allred@mas.toOP
    1 year ago

    @nerb @diabetes I definitely get irritable when low, too. I’m not sure if my anger when high is because I’m high or because *I know* I’m high, lol. I have a feeling it’s both, mostly because I used to run on a really short fuse the last few months before my diagnosis. My temper mellowed drastically once my A1c came down.

    But who knows, that might’ve also been diet, exercise, life changes, etc. Hard to tell for sure sometimes. 😅