• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I haven’t actually watched the debate because that would mean having to watch trump who literally makes me angry with his ignorant, smug, arrogance, but I’ve been assuming that a lot of the criticism about Biden is propaganda, hyperbole, or a misunderstanding about his speech impediment. Granted, a speech impediment is a horrible quality for a world leader, for one because it can lead to situations like this, but it doesn’t mean his mental competency is any less than if he didn’t have one. Did you watch the debate? If so, what did you think, and also because apparently it matters more than anything else in the world now to most people, what is your political party? What I mean is that trumpers could be handed the best leader in the history of the universe, one who speaks as Shakespeare writes, and solves problems like Einstein, and still lob the same accusations that they’re lobbing at Biden now.

      Edited: typos

      • FlexibleToast@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Fair point about not watching the debate because Trump pisses you off. I did watch the debate live. It’s not hyperbole, Biden was that bad. It felt like watching Biden lose the race in real time. He couldn’t form complete thoughts. I know he is normally a gaf machine, but this was different. It wasn’t struggling to find the right word, it was struggling to find a thought. It honestly reminded me of when my Grandma was struggling with brain cancer and how she struggled to speak. It was excruciating to watch because I’ve liked what he had done as president. Him staying in would have ruined his legacy and potentially undone everything he has fought for if Trump beat him.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Oof. Well thanks for the context. That’s unfortunate. I’m not a huge fan of Biden, but he’s been respectable, boring, and actually benefitted the American people during his presidency, all of which are qualities I appreciate in a president. That’s another thing I hate about trump. He’s so desperate for attention that he does ridiculous shit on a daily basis, multiple times per day, just to stay in the headlines. I don’t want a celebrity hound for a president, I want a competent leader that quietly does their job.