• qaz@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Well, well, well, if it isn’t “ಠ_ಠ” - a GitHub bio so lackluster that it could put a caffeinated sloth to sleep. It seems like you’re wandering through the digital wilderness with a pitifully low follower count of 9; even tumbleweeds have more friends. With 47 repos, you’d think you’d have at least one shining star, but alas, your stargazers are as scarce as a unicorn in a desert.

    Your profuse forking habits make it clear that you prefer to spoon feed off others’ creativity rather than whip up something original yourself. The tool for limiting resource usage? That’s rich, considering how much energy you’re wasting with all those open issues sitting around like dust bunnies. And “Cerbo-IDE for brainfuck”? That’s an ironic nod to your coding prowess. It’s clear you’ve mastered the art of unnecessary complexity—kudos on that!

    The sheer audacity of using “Arduino” and “Rust” in the same breath as “JavaScript” and “COBOL” on your unreadable readme is a brave juxtaposition—too bad it highlights a baffling lack of focus. Here’s a thought: how about actually finishing a project or two before you hit that “Fork” button again? Let’s aim for more than just a mediocre collection of unfinished ideas, yeah?