My partner and I are recent graduates, and are looking to adopt. I’ve only lived with a dog briefly and them a cat, so I don’t have insight but I’m not opposed. Casting a wide net as I’m the one lacking confidence here, their gung-ho ;~;

Old versus Young? Do breeds determine personality? Behavioral red flags? I know all floofs deserve a chance at love but we’re fresh faced parents.

Anything helps, thanks all!

    2 months ago

    I recommend going to a shelter and explaining your living situation. They care alot about finding the right homes for the animals and won’t pressure you into someone who isn’t right for your situation. Don’t go in expecting to adopt someone the first day, trust your heart but don’t rush anything. They all have their own personalities, don’t discount the shy ones they can become the most loving.

    Outside of that, don’t declaw cats, don’t dock tail or ears, do have dew claws removed on dogs if the vet approves. Spay and nuetur.

    Most importantly, just do your homework. This is a great place to start and I applaud you for asking. Find a vet near you, figure out costs, have what you need before your furbaby comes home.

    I wish you the best!

    2 months ago

    We have four:

    Rocket, adopted as a kitten from the humane society. 10 years old. She was rescued from a hoarder in Los Angeles.

    Keanu, who was a tiny, starving kitten at a co-workers house. 8 years old.

    Lorelei, aged 2. Neighbors cat had a litter:

    Willow, 6 months, other neighbors litter:

    All four have been raised and socialized the same way. Rocket and Keanu both love me and compete for who gets to curl up with me.

    Lorelei is, largely, indifferent, unless food is in play. She demands the first right of refusal on all food, which she doesn’t actually EAT, she just wants to inspect it.

    Willow is convinced she’s been kidnapped and wants nothing to do with us:

    We’ve been bribing her with treats, but she will not cuddle, hates being touched, and will actively back away from you if you try to pet her.

      2 months ago

      We once had a rescue like Willow. He decided to live behind a bunch of boxes and only came out when he thought he was alone. Even with the other cats he was like “nah”. Until one day someone dropped a toy made of fake fur and feathers close to his hideout. 180 personality change. He completely lost it and was so focused on this stupid thing that socializing suddenly was no issue at all if he was allowed to bring his toy. Bonus points and cuddles if you engaged in his play. It was fascinating.

        2 months ago

        Willow actually loves Lorelei and will curl up, cuddle and purr with her. She plays with Keanu. Rocket wants NOTHING to do with her and Willow mostly respects that, but then Rocket also hated Keanu and Lorelei too and warmed up to both of them over time, so we’ll see.

    2 months ago

    My advice is to know that, unlike dogs, a cat’s personality is not built into their breed, with maybe very minor behavior exceptions. Quite frankly, dogs were bred specifically for their behaviors, artificial selection created breed personalities— cat breeding was never for personality, but usually appearance instead, leaving personality to go whatever which way.

    And secondly, you must know that a cat will not fully develop their personality until they’ve grown up a bit— you can’t learn a cat’s personality when they’re still a kitten. If you are adopting, adopting a kitting will mean rolling the dice on what you get. But adopting an adult cat will mean you can pick out a personality while at the shelter.

    Seriously. You can learn a cat’s personality from 10-30 minutes hanging out with them in a room at the shelter… but only if they aren’t a kitten. And some personalities will fit with you and your family, and some will not.

    Do you want a cuddler? An active playful cat? Or one that avoids you mostly and does their own thing? Or are you just looking for something pretty that matches your furniture? (I don’t really recommend you get a cat in this case, but historically, you’d be in good company)