Oh hey, also the same thing with environmental issues

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    I agree.

    Everything needs to rise IMO. Except for the highest levels of management.

    My job in 2016 paid 90% of what I make now. Inflation in that time has been around 25%, and I’ve only increased around 10%…

    Minimum wage is far worse, I know this, but just because minimum wage needs to increase doesn’t and shouldn’t imply other areas don’t also need to be increased.

    I’m in a more senior position, and I’ve changed jobs at least three times to get where I am now. If minimum goes up, I won’t be angry about it, but I will be left wondering why I’m not also getting more.

    Companies need workers and wages have been stagnant, and plenty of working people who used to be middle class, are now homeless, despite still being employed.

    The whole situation is fucked and the only people profiting out of everything are the wage theives at the top and their shareholder friends.