• Taleya@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    dear woolies / bunnings / every other dog faced cunt:

    no one gives a single flapping shit about your fucking marketplace partners. Just show us the fucking stock YOU have

    If I want fucking cheap chinese shit I’ve got catch and temu, I’m sure as hell not paying an australia tax on it

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    From within the bowels

    The buzz of the bee whirring

    I am hungover

    Me - I’m not sure what day it is 2024

    That’s full tilt. Will be gone in under a week.

  • Pilk@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Hit list from today:

    1. Old mate at Bailey Nelson that fixed my askew glasses perfectly in one try
    2. Old mate at Coles that couldn’t figure out why a “2 for” purchase wasn’t discounting, so he just gave me one for free
    3. Old mate barber that just knows what to do when I walk in and I think undercharges me
    • Baku@aussie.zone
      21 days ago

      Not to kill the vibe on number 2, but I think that might actually be store policy at colesworth. I remember a few years ago I went in and bought 2 chomps for a dollar, but they didn’t discount and each one scanned at 80 cents. I called the lady over (self serve), she called someone for a price check, and when they confirmed I was right, she gave me one for free and the other at the 50 cent discounted rate

      I remember reading somewhere a few months later that if your items scan at a higher price, they’ll give one to you for free. Although obviously that is contingent on you noticing before you press no receipt and walk out

      Still a good run though

      • Pilk@aussie.zone
        21 days ago

        I’m familiar with that policy actually! In this case I’d picked up two different things from two separate “2 for” promotions without realising it, and in order to prove it he tried to scan them both twice each and that still didn’t give the discount. A that point I think he just said fuggit and set one to $0 haha.

  • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Went into office yesterday…down with some illness today.

    People are filthy disease ridden pigs.

    Guaranteed it was on my morning train ride.

  • tombruzzo@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    I think I’ll bite the bullet and get on the airfryer trend. But I don’t have the kitchen space do I might replace the microwave with an airfryer/microwave/convection oven combo.

    The ability to cook frozen stuff without the fuck around of a regular oven is too tempting

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      22 days ago

      I use mine several times a week. Best use so far is to thaw and crisp up bread rolls, but does chops/sausages pretty good too. I don’t do fried food or chips much. It does a reasonable job of baking small half size cakes too. The microwave is better for thawing out frozen dishes imo, and does a better job of cooking vegetables.

      I’ve only got limited bench space, so when I realised I was going to use the airfryer a lot, I invested in a ceramic tile 60cm by 60cm, and put that on top of my 4 burner gas cooktop. Most of the time I only used 1 burner so replaced that with a single burner induction stove. The airfryer and induction stove sit side by side on top of the tile - taking up no more room than that, and leaving a generous lip at the front for spoons and to rest the airfryer basket etc.
      The tile can be easily removed if I ever need more than one pot on the stove at one time.

    • dumblederp@aussie.zone
      22 days ago

      We got an oven with an airfryer setting and it’s not very good. Should’ve saved the money and got a regular oven and a separate air-fryer.

      To challenge your point, what fuck around with a regular oven? I chuck the chips on a tray with a baking sheet, turn the timer to 20 mins and in an hour I’ve got luke warm cooked chips.

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      22 days ago

      You have to keep in mind that the combos don’t work as well as a traditional bucket airfryer. You are better off buying a small airfryer from kmart to try out. Alot of people recommend them.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        22 days ago

        I’ve never tried one of those convection combos, but I do highly recommend an airfryer with 2 baskets. It does depend on what you’re cooking, but I’ve used air fryers with one big basket, and air fryers with 2 smaller ones, and I definitely prefer the smaller 2 basket ones

        If you’re cooking bigger things frequently, then the large one might work out for the best, but the largest things I regularly cook are chicken schnitzels (my butcher does massive heart shaped ones), and chicken Kievs. I prefer to cook those either in the oven or fry them in oil anyway, so it doesn’t bother me

        I usually use the air fryer for lunchy type things like chicken tenders, chips, or hash browns. Sometimes sausages. But I can fit about 4 large tenders or 6 sausages per basket, so it works out just fine for me

      • tombruzzo@aussie.zone
        22 days ago

        I’ve gone to a friend’s place that used one of those kmart airfryers to cook some chips. I was thinking about this, and I’d rather trade a bit of functionality for a single device I don’t need to get out of storage and plug in every time I need to use it

        • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
          22 days ago

          I get it. Space in my small kitchen is at a premium. I have a microwave/ convection oven/ grill combo and it works well but it is not the same as a bucket airfryer and don’t believe people who say it is. The convection oven part is just a smaller oven. A bucket airfryer is like a Ferrari.

          All airfryers are convection ovens. Not all convection ovens are airfryers even though they maybe marketed as that.

    • tone212_@aussie.zone
      22 days ago

      The air fryer revolutionised my cooking, I use mine multiple times a week. A worthy investment.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    My kid is home with a cold. I panicked because if I get sick I can’t enjoy my lamb roast that I planned later in week so I brought it forward to today. Slow cooked lamb with spuds and gravy will be had then you can shoot me down with your mange.

  • tombruzzo@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Oh, I saw my first baby ducks this weekend. Be sure so go to your nearest body of water this weekend to check out all the little floaty fluffs

  • Force_majeure123@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Apparently tomorrow starts what may be the biggest protest in over twenty years. I’ve only heard about it at work. Anyone have resources or anything? I’ve been told to expect PT to be a mess even starting from like 7am.

    Edit: turns out my head is in the sand. Protest against defense/arms exhibition at convention centre. Many different groups saying they’ll be there and expecting like 25k people, starting from 6am

    • Baku@aussie.zone
      22 days ago

      Indeed. More info here, and here

      The event guide says the opening ceremony starts at 6, so PT is probably just going to be fucked

      Personal opinion: I really don’t like the fact they’re hosting a weapons expo here. I don’t even really understand why anyone would host something like that in Australia at all. We are exactly the most linked in country in the world. The cynical part of me reckons that they chose us because we have a smaller population than other countries, and we are besties with America. So I think it’s good that so many people are protesting

      I’m thinking about going primarily because I find chaos funny, and they’ve pulled almost 2,000 cops who’ll probably all be head to toe in riot gear from both rural areas around the state, and according to the guardian, even cops from interstate have been called down

      • TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone
        22 days ago

        Please don’t go Baku. This has the potential to get out of control. I think the organisers have seriously misread Australia’s reputation as being laid back anti-protest people for the most part. Granted that the post-Port Arthur buyback means that nearly all the gun-toting people here are licensed, identifiable and mostly live up the country, but there’s a huge groundswell of people who really really REALLY don’t like guns and gun culture.

        Never underestimate the destructive power of the so-called non-violent people. They usually don’t have many stop triggers - have you read Konrad Lorenz’s research back before WWII about what happened when he confined two nice gentle pigeons in a cage? Its brutal.

        Lorenz was making the point that wolves and other social ‘aggressive’ species have stop triggers for aggression - if two individuals are in conflict they have ways of defusing violence and avoiding personal harm.

        The pigeons do not - their usual species specific reaction to aggression is to fly away, so when confined in the cage one pecks the other to death and keeps on pecking until the dead pigeon is a bloody splat on the cage floor. Because the pigeons don’t have any practiced or instinctual way to stop being violent. So the violence continues long past any possible definition of ‘winning’.

        Lorenz’s work and books have been questioned a lot since he did it, but in this specific area, I think he was dead on the money. My gut instinct for this event to avoid it at all costs. Protests are not a spectator sport.

        • Seagoon_@aussie.zoneOP
          22 days ago

          I accidently walked thru a protest last year.

          A bloke near me yelled out “Kill Them”. And I believe he meant it. I was chilled and got out of there as fast as I could.

          • Duenan@aussie.zone
            22 days ago

            I’m glad I don’t work near protest sites. Most of them seem unruly and even worse if two opposing sides clash.

            I can really see that happening tomorrow when the pro gun people turn up.

          • TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone
            22 days ago

            Yep. Fully understand. I did protest publicly during the Franklin campaign way back when, but some of what I saw then chilled me too. And I’m fairly OK with my own personal triggers - I know when I have to back off and keep my cool. I fear those people who get whipped up into a frenzy and lose what little brains they once possessed. Because then there are NO limits to what they will do.

        • Baku@aussie.zone
          21 days ago

          I should clarify that I’m not going to join the protest, I’m not really a protester and I definitely envisage police violence (whether or not “justified”), and I don’t want to end up with 10 broken ribs, but what do guns have to do with anything? Are the gun nuts coming to counter protest or something? Also, you can group me in with the people who despise guns and gun culture.

          Also, I don’t really agree with your assessment that non-violent people do not have many “stop triggers”. I don’t think violence will come from the vast majority of people. There’s always a few idiots, but in my experience, peaceful protests usually turn violent only after people from both sides heighten each other up, until it turns physical. Then that causes a Domino effect where other people see unjustified violence and try to jump in to defend their people. But it’s certainly not the majority of people. I don’t see it as much different from other large gatherings or events.

          I probably won’t go, because I’ve been super tired recently, am not feeling well and somebody will probably Livestream it on YouTube anyways. But truthfully your comment doesn’t make me want to go less, it makes me want to go and observe a lot more.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    The little pudding is hungry lately! She was sick a day or two ago but I’m hoping it improves.

    There’s these fancy little cat broth sachets I’ve been tempting her with to eat wet food, and she’s always perked up at the treat bag rustling.

    We’re cuddling and staying warm.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    21 days ago

    Maaan, I slept like shit last night and then didn’t connect my phone to the charger properly so no alarms, was late to work, plus I had to stay on late to clear my workload anyway, and then for some reason decided to make dinner from scratch despite having NO TIME (at least it’s chock full of veggies. I guess I was craving veggies).

    Just sat down to eat it. And oh god there is a MOUNTAIN I need to do before I leave at 4 pm on the dot tomorrow because I hate coming back to a messy house, and I am so sleepy, and it’s so late…

    Well. No use beating myself up for my past priorities. I will do the absolutely crucial stuff: pack using last night’s list, run the dishwasher, and clear/clean the kitchen surfaces. Tomorrow will be a VERY tightly run schedule. Up at 7am, go go go until 10pm when dinner is over and we get to our accom. Maybe I can have an hour to catch my breath on the flight. Off we go… 🛸

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    Oh… hissing and puffy tails. Another kitty came up to the (locked) screen door and there was a standoff.

    It’s always surprising to see as Melbcat is such a placid people oriented cat, a real teddy bear. I guess she’s just protecting herself and her home.

    A few neighbourhood cats do seem keen on coming here. Maybe they heard about the good food and are trying to book a stay

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    22 days ago

    I think I’m either sick, or going to get sick in the next few days. I can feel it. The sore throatening has started, the nose is getting stuffy, and I’m super tired

    I used to only get sick once or twice a year, but now it’s feeling like I get sick month or two. Really need to figure out how to make that stop happening, because it’s getting annoying. Especially the lack of energy part