• Nik282000@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Until recently, Ottawa had been hoping that Canada Post would act as a major partner in the project. But the Crown corporation balked, telling the government earlier this year that it could not risk the safety of its staff and facilities by collecting guns.

    Just dump all those ‘assault style’ firearms into untrained and unwilling hands of postal workers, they’ll take care of the public facing part of this circus!

    Licensed owners with legally purchased guns are not the problem in Canada, restricted and prohibited firearms smuggled from the US are. If millions are going to be spent on gun related crime then it should be spent preventing actual crimes, tightening boarder controls and more thoroughly investigating the organizations supplying illegal guns in Canada.

    At the very shallowest vote-for-me level, it seems like shooting your self in the foot telling ONLY the law abiding gun owners that they have to give up some part of their expensive hobby.

    Bias: I don’t own any guns, I don’t have a license but I have been shooting as a guest a few time and I think it’s a fun and challenging hobby.