A strong majority of Americans across the political spectrum sympathize more with Ukraine than Russia in the ongoing war: 62% of respondents express more sympathy with Ukraine than Russia, including 58% of Republicans and 76% of Democrats. At the same time, just 2% of respondents said they sympathized more with Russia in the conflict, including 4% of Republicans and 1% of Democrats. Republicans (20%) were more likely than Democrats (7%) to say they sympathized with neither side, while equal numbers of Republicans and Democrats (5%) said they sympathized with both sides equally.

The percentage of respondents who said they want the United States to stay the course in supporting Ukraine grew from our October 2023 poll, reaching the highest level in our tracking since the spring of 2023. In our latest survey, 48% of all respondents said that the United States should support Ukraine as long as the conflict lasts, including 37% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats. All these numbers are new highs in our four polls since March-April 2023.

  • RubberDuck@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You know these are all Kremlin talking points right?

    Most of the money the US spends on Ukraine NEVER leaves the US. It is simply given to the US military as additional budget to buy new toys and give their old unwanted or nearly expired toys to Ukraine.

    Ukraine became a separate country after the mortal enemy of the US the Soviet union collapsed under her own weight at the end of the cold war. It’s weird to hear Americans say what you said… being a country that fought for independence from a colonial oppressor and still proudly celebrates that.