Machinery of any kind is often gendered in the feminine. Particularly when you are either mad at the machine for not working or you are begging it to work.
Well, that seems pretty mild. Having been a toolmaker, I have often threatened machines with being reduced to tiny little chips or slag and I will create something better from scratch.
Machinery of any kind is often gendered in the feminine. Particularly when you are either mad at the machine for not working or you are begging it to work.
The machine spirit cares not for our trifling concepts of gender and binaries. It demands only loyalty to the omnissiah and purity of mind.
The machine spirit cares not for your loyalty. It only wants to grind YOUR spirit into dust while destroying your mind. Cthulhu trembles in fear.
“mad at the machine for not working or you are begging it to work”
Inclusive or
Always cracked me up when my uncle would yell at whatever he was working on, “come on, you whore!”
Well, that seems pretty mild. Having been a toolmaker, I have often threatened machines with being reduced to tiny little chips or slag and I will create something better from scratch.