I always struggle with what sources I should be reading for news (particularly political news). I don’t want to read only sources that I agree with, but I also struggle finding news sources that aren’t sensationalist and put forward varied view points. Here are a few of the places I frequent (criticism of these sources or other recommendations are welcome.) I don’t think my political news sources are well varied so any recommendations there would be great as well.

  • hackernews
  • arstechnica
  • the economist
  • axios
  • MIT News
  • Wired
  • lordofbud@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    So even if you dont agree with them

    I mean, they’re a state run media, it’s a deceptive propaganda machine that honest people should find themselves disagreeing with, they’re only useful for knowing what the CCP is doing, and maybe getting a glimpse at why, but usually, the “why” is a lie.

    I’d trust them as much as I trust Fox News to give me the truth.