I’ve been using AI to review my games for a while, but how do you personally use AI to learn?

I’ve found it really helpful in strengthening my joseki as well as general game-sense/intuition. Re-training myself on which moves feel correct.

One weird result has been that a lot of my intuitions that I used to brush away in favor of moves that I felt were more big-brained, turned out to be the moves that the AI prefers. So I’m having to work through when I’m overthinking moves.

The main problem I find is that it is so much better than I am that I can’t understand the logic sometimes - so I walk away with “Well, that move was just better, I guess” and fail to get a good understanding.

  • derg@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A bit late, but might as well reply anyway. It’s been a while since I played much, but when I used AI to train, that “main problem” came up a lot for me too. For me, one of the key things in using AI to review is to “play” against the AI, like when you want to explore a tesuji it comes up with, try to read to think of possible follow-ups before you even click the board, so it can’t show you the continuation. It’s the same idea as a tsumego, if you just click without thinking it’s much harder to come away with more understanding.

    But a lot of the “ideas” the AIs have, especially in complicated fights, are just past my understanding too but that’s okay! It also might be that the move the AI prefers the most isn’t the best move to play at your/my level. To exaggerate a bit, if a specific attack gains 1/2 of a point but you have to read a 20-move-deep sequence in order to play it or your group could die, you obviously can’t play it if you don’t understand.

    I’ve used the AI to refute or confirm ideas I’ve had myself, to train myself on fuseki/joseki and game direction, and for moves the AI thinks are great that I’ve missed, I try to explore why that might be. But I don’t worry about the times I just don’t understand why a move is better if I can’t figure it out, as long as I come away from the review with some greater understanding, it’s a success! (and maybe it’ll be time to understand that idea later, when I’ve improved)