• Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The neoliberals are not actually leftist. This is a 100% fact, if you are arguing that the capitalists are leftists then you are also not a leftist. They are centre right. The transphobic neoliberals and privatizers trying to destroy the nhs and build a “free and open” energy market for the sake of preventing our attempts at nationalisation can eat my ass, so can their by-association transphobic mysogynistic supporters. You can get to fuck with your “yeah they’re actually toooootally leftists dude belieeeeeve me” bullcrap. It is unbelievable that you would mention New Labour under Tony Blair, a party that killed 2 million people and exploited the fuck out of the middle east and continue to pretend that you are left wing, you are not, you are an imperialist, capitalist neoliberal.

    It is blatantly clear why you didn’t answer the question about what union you’re in and did not cite any organising, you don’t do any for the left and you’ve made that abundantly clear to anyone that knows these parties and groups. The only reason you have any votes at all is because the majority of people here are americans and they have absolutely no fucking idea what we’re talking about now.

    All they need to know is that you support neoliberals. The crowd here definitely knows neoliberalism isn’t leftist.

    No surprises that this conversation started off with you trying to discredit me by screeching “tankie”, you knew that if you made it clear what your actual political affiliations are and made a real political argument it would be unpopular.

    • AlpacaChariot@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’m a different user to the guy you were originally having a conversation with.

      No need to get so personal!

        • AlpacaChariot@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I’m not a transphobe and you have no information on which to base that assumption. If you call everyone a transphobe it ceases to have any meaning and you have nothing left for when someone is being actually transphobic.

          • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            You support Starmer. Starmer’s labour is transphobic, he has given interviews to mumsnet where he says explicitly terf things. He has explicitly come out in favour of segregating trans people from women’s bathrooms and other spaces. You support this. Ergo you are transphobic. The party needs shot of him he’s a disgrace.

            • AlpacaChariot@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              This is such tenuous reasoning. Firstly I didn’t say “I support Starmer”, I commented on whether or not I thought his tactics would be effective in getting elected. I often comment on things the Tories do and say in the same way, and saying " I think X will work" is not an endorsement of X.

              Secondly, even if I do intend to vote labour it doesn’t mean I’m endorsing 100% of everything the party/leader says. On an individual level you say don’t care about peoples views and only what they do / achieve so this attitude towards Labour seems completely bizarre to me?

              The ‘perfection or bust’ attitude to political parties and leaders gets you another Tory government whereas the pragmatic option might actually get us some incremental improvement. Ironic that we’ve ended up here in a conversation that started as a discussion about left wing factionalism where you claimed it doesn’t exist.

              Honestly, as a left wing person in the UK who made some reasonable points higher up the thread about actually achieving something that improves the lives of people now by being pragmatic, who are you going to vote for in the 2024 election?

              • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                The ‘perfection or bust’ attitude to political parties and leaders gets you another Tory government whereas the pragmatic option might actually get us some incremental improvement. Ironic that we’ve ended up here in a conversation that started as a discussion about left wing factionalism where you claimed it doesn’t exist.

                And this attitude is the one that has existed up until now. Good job neoliberals! Well done! You’re responsible for everything that is wrong in this country!

                Honestly, as a left wing person in the UK who made some reasonable points higher up the thread about actually achieving something that improves the lives of people now by being pragmatic, who are you going to vote for in the 2024 election?

                The issue is that you don’t actually participate in anything outside of voting once every 5 years. You have barely any idea what fighting to improve workers lives involves, and your assessment of the struggle against neoliberals as a supporter of them is trash. Why am I vicious about them? Because it is precisely what is necessary to get the leadership change we need to get even a mild centrist in. Starmer is not just any neoliberal, he is an arch neoliberal selected by Kissinger and friends at their clubhouse the Trilateral Commission, where they all rub shoulders deciding the future of neoliberal politics and strategy in the world. We can’t get a leftist into power, it’s not happening for at least 10 years, all we can do is try to get this shitbag out, try to undo the dismantling of party democracy he has performed internally, try to purge the zionists and those funded by fucking mossad, and try to get some sort of normal back from which we will have a starting point for leftist politics in the party again. They went scorched earth once they got Corbyn out. They completely fucked everything.

                That’s why I’m vicious about it. Because anything other than it does not display the gravity of the situation to naive people that still think everyone in the country simply has different ideas about “what’s best for everyone” and that some of them are a little incompetent. None of these people are incompetent people that want to do good, they are competent and want to do awful shit things for the vast majority of people for the benefit of the finance industry backers that own pretty much everything.

                  • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    Decide when we get there. Rumours still flying around that Peace & Justice are considering a run, which would essentially function as a pressure party to Labour the way ukip functioned as a pressure party that achieved Brexit, but from the left obviously. There are some other projects but it’s uncertain what kind of base they’ll have until we get into an election season. For now you can put me down as “not Starmer”.

                  • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    Anti-zionism is not anti-semitism. Zionism itself is anti-semitic. It is the ideology of creating Israel as an ethnostate, it was a fringe of jews at one point in time but the people who wanted to kick the jews out of Europe popularised and supported its growth(hence why it is itself antisemitic in origin).

                    Anti-zionism is literally just being against the state of Israel as a jewish ethnostate and apartheid regime. It is also supported by a very large number of internationalist jewish organisations.

                    Jewish Voice for Peace has an excellent explanatory article that I am begging you to read and educate yourself with. There is no “conspiracy theory” here, this is a word that has a specific meaning that I am using accurately that has nothing to do with what I assume is some fascist thing that you’ve heard the word also exists in (protocols of the elders zion perhaps?) and are getting muddled with.

                    As for mossad having funded certain people currently organising inside the labour party, this is just factually correct. We have the receipts and it’s openly known.

              • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                “I totally wasn’t saying I support Starmer when I said what he’s doing to labour is actually a good thing and also that New Labour, who he is an ideological successor to, were good!”

                Pull the other one mate. At least have this conversation without the dishonesty.