Some examples shown below get automatically generated via the standard formatting menu above the text boxes, but I have included them anyway for completeness.

Some markup only works in threads, not posts.

✝️ = works in threads
🅿️ = works in posts

Horizontal Line ✝️🅿️


Plaintext Code ✝️🅿️

plaintext for single line of code

plaintext for single line of code

(apply plaintext over multiple lines)  
(apply plaintext over multiple lines)

use \*backslash* at the \_beginning_ of a some markup to disable the markup's functionality and simply show the symbols instead

use *backslash* at the _beginning_ of a some markup to disable the markup’s functionality and simply show the symbols instead

Text Formatting ✝️🅿️

*Italics* or _italics_

Italics or italics



***bold italics***

bold italics





[hyperlink display text](

hyperlink display text

* bulleted list
* using asterisks

  • bulleted list
  • using asterisks

- bulleted list
- using hyphens

  • bulleted list
  • using hyphens

1. numbered
2. list

  1. numbered
  2. list

Headers ✝️

# header 1

header 1

## header 2

header 2

### header 3

header 3

Tables ✝️🅿️

|Col 1|Col 2|Col 3|Col 4|

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4
Align Align Align Align
Left Left Centre Right

To-do list - please ignore

  • Need to add embedded expandable images