Post what indie products you are using today
This morning I am retesting another Poesie Reissue blend. Tempus Fugit (precious sandalwood, spilled blackberry wine, wheels of golden amber, antique lace, a forgotten rose pressed in the pages of an ancient leather-bound book) reminds me a lot of Charm of Making, just with a tart blackberry note added in. I’m getting an herbal note even though there isn’t one, it might be the rose or lace. I’ll have to decide which of these 2 to keep, they’re similar enough to my nose that I don’t need both in my collection. I’m a sucker for sandalwood so that might push Tempus into the winner column.
Today I’m wearingBPAL Kon Kurabe Tama No Ase (Marzipan and buttercream with cinnamon, pistachio milk, vanilla custard, and clove). This was a Lupercalia release this year, but it’s perfect for fall. It’s warm, spicy, and creamy. It’s become more clove forward as it’s aged a bit, I’m so happy with this blend. Might be my favorite from this year so far.