Assuming they’re old enough to have a phone, obviously.

I have to send my daughter reminders to do things all the time because she’s extremely forgetful. She’s not annoyed by that, she’s asked me to do it. And whenever I send her one, I get a read receipt and no reply. And I’ve told her a bunch of times that it’s rude to not reply to texts like that, but she keeps doing it.

It’s driving me crazy. She’s a good kid, but why doesn’t she return texts?!

    1 year ago

    Maybe she doesn’t like you that way?

    Bear with me here. Communication comes in many forms now. I’m not even that old (42) and it used to be post-its, face-to-face, a letter in the mail, or an actual call.

    Now people have FaceTime, texts, calls, emails, mailed letters, post-its, etc.

    People often have a preference in how they communicate with certain people. I generally prefer face-to-face with friends and loved ones, but that’s not likely these days. And, as far as I can tell, no one wants a FaceTime session with me.

    If something is important, but you’re using a “casual” line of communication, either change the line of communication to a different one, or alter that version in a way to make urgent things stand out, like with specific emojis.

    One way of figuring this out is with a face-to-face communication with your daughter. Take like 15 minutes max, figure out some alternatives to the current situation, and then fiddle with it as you go along.

    Or maybe she has ADHD, and you’ve got an uphill battle for the remainder of her life. If that’s the case, I recommend the channel “How to ADHD”.

    Good luck!