I am using EWW to read articles and I want to capture notes into an exisiting file not part of capture templates. The overall workflow is as follows. Lets say I want to catch up on the GPT agents of generative AI and prompt engineering. I google the topic in EWW and just read with a org file open on the side buffer. I want to take notes and capture quotes into a that org file. when I select text from EWW, and intiate capture I want to insert text into the org file on the side where the point (cursor) is or even at the end of the file. How can I configure org-capture for this?


Think of it like this. I want to have a org file each reading session and I have have multiple reading sessions in parallel (session don’t mean single chunk of time). How can i configure org-capture so that I can create a new org file for each reading session. or org-capture is not the right tool for this? Some other workflow?