Yesterday I posted a picture of the tower I made while waiting for my friend to get back. Last night we worked together to extend the tower to new heights.

With the original tower, you could right click the top box and click Climb On to ascend. You can only reach about half way up on this one.

You exit the designated camp area about 20 boxes down from where I am in the screenshot and it’s nearly impossible to climb back down. But that’s ok because you’re far enough away to Go To Camp.

10 down and you can no longer interact with the boxes at all. You have to left mouse click to “walk” onto them as if it was the ground.

This is the result of collecting pretty much every box pre-goblin camp minus 10-20 or so that broke in the process.

    1 year ago

    Only wanted to meet 3 of you? Damn, that’s harsh.

    But seriously. That was really cool to watch.