When I called someone out for being “delusional” and “a problem”, I was perma-banned from the r/atheism. Have I missed something? Are atheists at literal war with theists? Is it the common belief that theists are willing members of “murderous organizations”? What propaganda is being passed around atheist circles that I’ve been missing out on?

More directly, I guess, is today’s Atheism strictly about anti-Christianity? Cause that’s not where I’m coming from nor interested in going.

For added context of the conversation I was attempting to have - “everybody or nobody”; if a pride flag alone fails to represent everyone (which it inherently does), wouldn’t the proposed argument prevent hanging the flag? I thought it was a reasonable reply to the idea and was shocked by “murderous organizations” coming into play.

(I mean, people have been hanging American flags and singing the National Anthem too.)

  • illectrility@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So you’re asking to remove all symbols and flags everywhere?

    I’ll take a reductio ad absurdum for this one:

    Let’s remove all symbols and flags that represent groups, like crosses, pride flags, football team flags everything that isn’t on a national scale.

    So all you would have in the end is your national flag. Great! Problem solved. Oh, no, wait. What about people that don’t have the nationality but are in the country? They look around and see national flags everywhere and feel terribly excluded. Okay, let’s get rid of national flags, too. Then we’ll just have the United Nations flag. Although, no, some countries aren’t part of or recognized by the UN. That won’t work.

    Okay, no flags then, fine.

    But wait, what about signs? If you have a sign that uses the western alphabet, which consists of symbols, you exclude everyone that doesn’t feel represented by these symbols. Imagine being a Japanese person in the US. Only western letters, so excluding.

    Okay, let’s get rid of writing then.

    I’ll just watch TV. It makes it difficult that the remote is mostly blank but I don’t want to be excluding. Hold on. There is a logo on my TV!

    This is so excluding, I don’t feel like part of that company, the TV is excluding me.

    Let’s get rid of brand logos too, then!

    Your point is absurd. Also, you can’t possibly think a pride flag is as bad as, say, a cross. The flag is a symbol of acceptance, the cross a polar opposite.