i havent seen any discusion on this seasson here on lemmy so what the hell, im gonna start my own.

I had some very mixed feelings on it, for one the action and animation was very cool, and the second season seems that its gonna be a break it or make it kinda deal in terms of the plot because the writting was mediocre and worse compared even to the 3rd season of the first series, which is the weakest season by far of the first castlevania.

This is specially the case with the main 3 characters, first Maria is very passionate about the revolution and thats cool but the way they portrait it is very annoying, she just spouts the same revplutionary speeches over and over, and its never explained why she is so pasionate about it, you could say because freedoom is a universal motivation but it really isnt, speciallybfor her since she as well as her mom live away from the town, they arent really shown interacting with the townspeople so that to make a connection to understeand why they want freedom for them, or at the very least they could have shown her that she whent to college and learned about it on her philosophy class, or anything, luckilly they tone it down at the end by giving her more character and a conflict that goes into spoiler territory that seems that its gonna be cool how they expand upon it in the next season, but the first parts are very annoying and unexplained.

Second is Richter, which is this seassons flagship belmont, he kind of makes no sense, it wasnt shown or mentioned that he was trained in vampire killing yet he is super good at it, you could say that thats because he is a belmonth, but due to his “spoiler” being “spoiled” its not possible he could have been trained as well as say trevor with the wip, not even by the people that he is living wirt now since they are magic users, not vampire hunters, yet he is impossibly good with it, and he really doesnt have a good explanation as to why he is a vampire hunter in profession, and to pretend he has a character arc they gave him a barely justified shonen protagonist anime power up scene where he kills a bunch of powerfull vampires with magic and this was specially made to justify having him running of crying in one scene where his “spoiler” shows up, this imo really shows the intentions of the writers, wich takes us to the last character i want to complain about: Annete.

Annete was kinda like the writers darling, the first parts of the show focus on her and one whole episode its entirelly dedicated to her backstory, while the other characters barelly have foundation, and this wouldnt be as bad if she wasnt so annoying, since she causes some problems and one of them being a characters death due to her not being able to control herself at a very bad moment and isnt even at the very least made responsible for it, the whole contrary btw, and its not because she is clumsy or made a mistake, she has some very OP magic and its very good at using it, which while it shouldnt it kinda gets aded as a negative, not that she shouldnt be powerfull but you kinda understeand what the writers are trying to do and i dont like it, and when richters runs away they made her snap, throw a temper tantrum and shit talk him, making her come across at the very least as very unconcidarate, and granted, they have someone tell her that she shouldnt do that and she accepts it but still, but aggain, its very obvius why the writers added this, they whant to piss pepople of for controversy and about that, thats the characters purpose at its core, to be controversial, you could think it is not but it is. Not that a character shouldnt be diverse, but when they are made diverse nor even for diversitys sake, just for controversys sake, it brings the ehole character and discussion down. And it makes me sad that they are using a culture that has some cool potential for very nice stories and characters be used for just to piss people off and as a twitter argument, but well what can you do.

It may not seem like it but i do recomend it if you liked the first castlevania series, its more of it at the end, but if you like the games you will probably be more perplexed about it, but if thats the case then you probably seen the first series and again, its more casltevania. And if you like diversity in you media then you will like this series, i know it sounds condecending, but i heard is a genuine thing people take into concideration to rate something, so yeah, its very diverse, you will like it. Other than that, the second seasson its already confirmed so, like i said, they could redeem themseles or make it worse, so we will have to see…

    • LemmySoloHer@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Oh I thought he was long gone since Nocturne takes place about 300 years after the original series ended. I think he stayed human until the very end and returned to his home to lead and create a life for himself, but did he end up doing some eternal life enchantment stuff that I don’t remember? He was definitely a top tier character for me so I’d love to at least hear about him even if he’s gone and we don’t get to see him.

  • Steve@lemmy.today
    1 year ago

    I liked the series so far, and as someone who played Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night, I think they did a good job in portraying Richter and Maria. I did not find Maria annoying, but I do agree that more could have been done with her. I also agree that a little more time could have been dedicated to showing how Richter and Maria grew up. One complaint I do have is how Season 1 appears slightly rushed, and as Richter and Maria are two of my favorite characters from the game, seeing how their relationship and skills developed would’ve been awesome. The games don’t go into much about their relationship, other than stating that they are distantly related and have special skills for fighting night creatures and vampires.

    However, as this is only Season 1, I am going to wait and see how the story pans out.

    Another thing I like about Nocturne is that they went in their own direction with the story, rather than taking the story that was presented in Rondo of Blood. I doubt they would get very far with the whole “hero & heroine team up to rescue damsels in distress” story that was in Rondo of Blood. That might also explain how they took characters like Annette and Tera in a whole new direction. Annette and Tera were two women you had to rescue in Rondo of Blood, with Annette being Richter’s girlfriend. Their roles were so minor in the game that you really didn’t care much about them except as an objective to complete in the game. In Nocturne, they were given pretty important roles, with new backstories and personalities that made you care for them.

    • icepuncher69@sh.itjust.worksOP
      1 year ago

      True with Tera, and with the diferent direction they are taking it, the whole french revolution thing is very wasted imo, like i said, they dont interact with any of the villagers, in fact they seem very hermit like if we go about what we see in the series, they just go to the town to rally people like politicians in a political campaign… which now that i think about it its kind of hilarious, it kinda mirrors the stablishment that they are trying to fight aggainst.

      And personally i didnt like annete ( i think i made that a bit to clear, lol), besides of the reasons i already whrote, its because it feels the writers are trying to force her to like… happen, while taking away from the main characters and into her, not belmonth, i mean both maria and belmonth and even tera, shes litterally thrown out of another story into this one, and the reason being that the writers whant to piss people off so that it becomes controversial and people incluiding them can complain about it and defend it online (i.e. american culture war bs).

      Im hopeing that the character of both maria and richter will be expanded upon in the next season, thats if they give them enough time, i dont whant to say that i doubt it, but the intentions of the writers are not subtle at all in the first season, thats why everything else was so rushed. So if they whant to make a comeback the writers should go in with a different mentality, (i.e. hire diferent writers), otherwise we are gonna get more of the same.

  • MerrySkeptic@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    Overall I enjoyed it. I really liked the setting of the French Revolution and the way that the Church allied itself with darkness in the face of an existential threat. Very relevant I think to many religious institutions today.

    I REALLY liked Olrox. An Aztec vampire that can transform into a serpent god? Yes please. And they made him a three dimensional character, neither totally good or bad.

    I agree that more time could have been spent on Rictor and Marie’s upbringing, but that wasn’t critical. I assume Rictor just comes by his skills naturally by way of being a Belmont and doesn’t need formal training. Marie was obviously trained by her mom. I really liked her power of conjuring creatures from another dimension, especially that one particular moment on the last battle with her foot.

    Anne was a cool character but I agree she took too much responsibility for Eduoard’s death. But she’s also young and he was one of her only friends, so I can also kind of understand. She has a lot of growing to do.

    I thought the idea of reformed Night Creatures was intriguing. Elizabeth Bartlett was underdeveloped as a villain, and Drolta wasn’t much better. Grandpa Belmont coming out of left field was weird and didn’t add much to the story since he didn’t do much.

    Whatever it’s flaws, they weren’t enough for me to not enjoy it.