I’m having issues with my new NPM setup. I’m 1 day in to NPM so I’m very new.

Anyways, I have NPM on a macvlan on my Synology and it’s responding on the correct ip on ports 80 and 443.

I have a speedtest tracker container on its own bridge network. NPM is also connected to the speed test network and can see the container at speedtest:80.

I have a cname on my pihole for my speedtest tracker container pointed to the NPM ip. So speedtest.me.home cname points to NPM ip of NPM forwards this to speedtest:80 just fine.

The issue I have is that I have another container, homepage, on the default bridge network that queries the speed test API and it’s failing. In the logs, it seems like the query returns the NPM ip of for some reason. However, when I copy and paste the API URL into my browser, I see what I’m expecting.

So, what the heck? Why is the homepage container querying speedtests API not working when I can see the API results on my browser?

Does anyone know where I can start looking to track this down?