Manuel chiude il cerchio dopo l'esplosione nel 2016 col gol alla Signora a 18 anni, ancora il 22 ottobre. Bocciato dal Milan, ha fatto il giro lungo dal Sassuolo per tornare al grande calcio con la "sua" Juve. Con cui ha ritrovato la rete che gli mancava dal gennaio 2022, ma sono tutti gol decisivi
I think the main idea is that it happened on the same day, not that both goals are pretty. even if he scored a pingpong header, it would be “half news”
The 2016 goal was much nicer and stronger : was an amazing goal with power and meaning
The 2023 goal had deflection and though of course still counts and gives the win , not as nice
I think the main idea is that it happened on the same day, not that both goals are pretty. even if he scored a pingpong header, it would be “half news”