So now that Tide of Shadows has been going on for a while, what are your thoughts on it?

I personally love Rotjaw and the new weather, and am having a lot of fun in the Bayou!

    1 year ago

    Was really excited to hear that on the road map they planned to update the engine but to me it feels like the game has somewhat regressed a bit to a more soft core mode. I would like to see more of a focus on performance both local and server side. Some of my more controversial opinions are that solo self revive is OP and the timer needs to be increased or some other constraints placed on it. When you enter a game as a solo you’re already matched against inferior players so it’s often just a means for streamers to club baby seals and I don’t think that’s good at all. Hunt remains a truly unique game that just doesn’t seem to know what it is and that responsibility falls on Crytek. A daunting challenge for a developer for sure.