Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

  • 223 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Talvez seja só birra com o formato (homem sofistando pra chat de twitch), mas não acho que faz muito sentido não.

    Se eleitoralismo é inútil, tanto faz competir no executivo ou legislativo. PSoL tá no legislativo em BH faz um tempão e só consegue ficar menos popular.

    O exemplo do Leo Péricles é até bom, mas só porque é o mais extremo possível: fundador do partido que já disputou eleição do executivo federal e municipal (detalhe que enfraquece o ponto). O argumento fica muito mais frágil se aplicar por exemplo à Juliete Pantoja do Rio de Janeiro.

    Um bom estudo de caso é a Heloísa Helena, que foi de quase 7% presidencial pra não conseguir nem ser vereadora da própria cidade.

    E achei bem idealista essa de “se fizer isso eu entro na UP e ajudo”. Porque não entra em um partido e concorre independente disso? Muito fácil agitar por uma posição pra seguidores na internet, mas cadê entrar e fazer debate interno pra que a posição seja tomada dentro da própria UP?

    Claro, ele não entra em partido porque não existe partido eleitoral MLM no momento. Pessoalmente, acredito muito útil usar a base e popularidade dele (e da Laura Sabino??) pra uma tática possivelmente pouco efetiva (mas decidida por meio de organização partidária) do que passar mais 4 anos esperando essa organização maoista se manifestar.

  • The United States is not Ukraine’s only ally, but it is the only one with the willingness and means to supply Ukraine’s war effort. Many European nations lack a political tradition of arming other countries. They have sent Ukraine some impressive weapons, like German tanks and Swedish shoulder-fired missiles. But “they cannot pump out munitions,” Julian said. “They cannot produce large numbers of artillery shell rounds — the No. 1 thing Ukraine needs.”

    This whole paragraph is truly a piece of Yankee writing.

  • Não vejo porque uma moeda “auto-regulada” seria mais democrática do que uma regulada por um estado socialista, que por definição defende os interesses do proletariado.

    E eu ainda não vi nenhuma evidência de que criptomoedas podem ser estáveis e realmente usáveis como moedas.

    Mas aí entra minha pergunta: porque que criptomoedas seriam melhores que dinheiro regulado por um banco central socialista ou ideias mais complexas como vale-trabalho? Qual o problema da classe trabalhadora que elas solucionam?

  • The USA is the leading tiktok-using country, I’ll give them that. But according to this statista page, the following three countries already double the total of USA users.

    That means ByteDance stands to lose way more by divesting themselves of TikTok than losing their USA audience. Not only are they isolating themselves diplomatically and economically from the rest of the world, now they’re backing down in hubris culturally as well.

    Although I really dislike the TikTok business model for obvious reasons, banning it on USA territory is going to be really nice for the whole TikTok ecosystem.

    So, when poor oppressed Americans are going to start getting VPNs to escape their Great Firewall?

  • The big point: she seems to enjoy your friendship despite there being no romantic interest, so you shouldn’t feel too bad.

    The small points (which my just be me projecting my own quirks on her, but bear with me)

    Anyways, our friend group went on a vacation back then and I tried to kiss her towards the end of it which she just kind of pushed me away.

    I don’t know how it works in your culture, but in my experience people are pretty okay with being asked if they want to kiss beforehand. I know movies make it look like it’s always some spontaneous single braincell situation, but it’s usually way easier that way in parties or whatnot.

    Might be worth a try with other future crushes, a “no” may still sting, but won’t keep you awake in dread late at night. The power dynamics are also flipped into something much more manageable.

    I’m also scared that I’ll never find somebody and my time is running out

    I’m assuming from you still having friends from high school times that you’re not over 45. No, there is no such thing as “time running out”. Take your time and enjoy it, be it with friends and dates, but you absolutely don’t need to conform to some notion of having specific age slots for doing romance (or that you even need romance to be wholly happy in the first place).

    If you like somebody and they like you back, cool. If not, you’re not “adulting wrong” or anything like that.

    I then decided to shoot my shot and ask her out for dinner.

    Going from the way you’re telling it, I want to at least congratulate you on having managed to ask, even if it ultimately a “no”. It can be really stressful and from the way you describe it was a comfortable interaction.

    What am I supposed to do? Try to forget about her or keep taking it slow? I feel like her response was quite clear and I don’t want to annoy her anyomre if the feeling isn’t mutual but then again I can’t imagine there are no feelings at all on her side and feel like I shouldn’t give up on it yet.

    I don’t speak neurotypical, but I think you got a “no”. Whether it was because of inconvenience or whatever else, that’s what you got. In fact, if you think your intentions were clear (and since you said she was pretty smart), you can assume that she understands you’re interested in her.

    That means you should do: nothing.

    If she reciprocates but was constrained by whatever, it’s in her court now.

    If she doesn’t, well that’s that and you can enjoy the friendship if you can.

  • I’m too busy not wanting to have a body or expression to think of which gender this body should express itself as. To be fair, I’m not sure if this counts as cis, but it’s similarly easy.

    This video by Vihart encapsulates my feelings on gender pretty well.

    But on the “straight” part, attraction is a very complicated thing. Lots of people will never or hardly ever feel any sexual attraction to people of a gender for a myriad of reasons.

    And I suppose that, for a lot of cis people here, they actually like the role at least a little bit. Considering how toxic the enforcement of those roles are, I think we should also cherish our cis comrades who feel the most comfortable in them while being receptive of trans people and being good people in general.

    Nothing wrong with being cis, just with being an asshole about it.

    Edit: I couldn’t tell it wasn’t actually serious.

  • I’m going off memory, but IIRC lumpenproletariat refers to the disorganised and marginalised class of people who still don’t survive off of Capital. Small-time criminals, “errand boys”, drug dealers, sex workers, people who aren’t directly employed by Capital, and are segregated to the fringes of society, but still live off of their labour. It doesn’t apply to your case.

    The situation you describe seems to fit better into petit bourgeois if you actually own some sort of business. But if you’re one of those “be your own boss” doordash deliverypeople, then that’s just enticing propaganda to mask away being part of the disorganised and alienated section of the proletariat.

    Either you survive from your labour, from owning property, or a mixture of the two. That’s the principal distinction between proletarian and bourgeois. The material interests of the petit bourgeoisie often align with that of the proletariat, but it’s also a source for reactionary elements and footsoldiers of capital.

    Here’s the definition of lumpen on the MIA glossary: