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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • This is so situational. Obviously if someone asks you for something and you say no upfront, then ya I agree with you. Sometimes we don’t have a choice who we rely on though.

    Children are an easy example. Your children rely on you for everything and there’s no one else they can rely on. Sick parents? Siblings that don’t have spouses? You can’t just shed yourself of all responsibilities or obligations in this life, even when they’re hard or near impossible for you to do. That’s just reality.

  • This doesn’t seem reasonable… If you accept some responsibility, duty, job, whatever, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you take whatever steps are necessary for you to complete that task. It’s not everyone else’s job to babysit you and make sure you actually do the thing you agreed to do.

    I probably just wouldn’t ask you for anything anymore after you burned me the first time and just go with someone else… You might think that’s unfair, but we’ve all got our own problems and my time is better spent going with a more reliable option.