• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • “the mods decided to revert the NSFW designation because the community is a helpful resource for veterans experiencing mental health crises. The mod said that if Reddit removed the team, it could put the community at risk.”

    Bitch fudging please.

    Please tell me again how these people are not power tripping their eyes out.

    Imagine having no Reddit community to fall back on or having different mods into your community… The horror!

    Can these people;

    • Stop acting as if they really want change to happen.
    • Just start to bent over further for Reddit.
    • Get on with their life.
    • Admit that they really like their little power trip.

  • “In a pinned message on r/funny, the biggest subreddit to go private before recently reopening, a moderator implored Reddit “to listen to its moderators, its contributors, and its everyday users” and asked it to “not tacitly enable bad actors by working against your volunteers.” r/Apple also recently reopened after being closed out of fears that it would be forcibly reopened. “We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us,” a moderator wrote. Another r/Apple mod is resigning in protest of Reddit’s actions.”

    Imagine having no spine, except that 1 mod (kudos to that person).

    Why even bother to blackout if you are gonna bulge after the first threat?

    Do even the subs themselves thought that 48 hours was enough to do something? Can someone be that naive?

    I thought the subs were actually gonna abide by what the community wants?

    How is opening up helping the community when you voted to be down indefinitely just 1 day ago? It is actively screwing them because it shows Reddit is right.

    Following it up with a pinned message telling how you still not agree, b*tch please.

    Just stop with the posturing then and bend over for Reddit already.

  • I can understand your reasoning, but would your stance be different if you didn’t know the political spectrum/ideology of the devs when joining lemmy or something else?

    Just because you don’t see something doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.

    Have you vetted every single mod, admin, developer of every online community you joined to see if they are up to your political standards?

    We are now on Kbin and can communicate with lemmy instances. Does that make one supportive of the ideology of the developers of lemmy?