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Is he though
  • Why is someone going septic from renal stones still in his cell and not in a hospital? He should sue for not receiving medical care.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    I just can't even.
    InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    Sovcit got a letter.
    InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    Sovcit has a question.
    Microblog Memes BonesOfTheMoon
    I don't understand Temu.
    Desiree Dallagiacomo, "Strength"

    Happy mother's day to those who celebrate it or who just mother someone else in your lives.

    InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    Sovcit sent in a "payment", T Mobile doesn't think so.
    cute dogs, cats, and other animals BonesOfTheMoon
    Big breasted mourning dove.
    InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    Sovcit wants to know how to not pay property tax, other sovcit has an answer.
    But being vegan is more expensive!?
  • Vegan is the cheapest I've ever eaten. I looked in the corpse department the other day simply out of curiosity and a single steak was 17 dollars. Gimme a 3 dollar bag of lentils and I'm good for several dinners.

  • People without a family, how are you faring in life?
  • I still have an aunt I see, but my parents and brother have been out of my life for 12 years due to estrangement. I finally feel like there is no voice in my head criticizing everything I wear or how I look and viewing me as an extension of themselves.

  • What would you ask to a potential partner in a partner compatibility survey?
  • What are your finances like? I don't mean you need to be rich, I mean you need to be responsible. I tied my finances to a crazy person and I'll never get free and that's my biggest regret.

  • Conservatives want to bring back the smoking rooms in Tim Hortons ultimately, and fuck the planet.
  • Well we did have the trucker convoy here. A great many people who live in small towns or the northern parts of the country hate Trudeau. I am not a fan either but that's because I think he should be much more left and do a lot more for us,rather than being a craven centrist. But all Liberals (that's capital L Liberal) are. But conservatives here HATE him on a personal level and drive around with Fuck Trudeau flags on their obnoxious trucks.

    We like our socialized medicine and services here, even conservatives, but that doesn't make them any less obnoxious.

  • For people living where Mother's Day is tomorrow, what are you getting her?
  • Shit fuck all, we're no contact estranged and I'm happy with that. She's a mean dangerous manipulative evil person, and even turning 80 later this month is still as vituperative as ever. I will love up my wonderful aunt instead.

  • InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    Sovcit can't find the letter.
    InsanePeopleFacebook BonesOfTheMoon
    I don't even know what sovcit wants to do here.
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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