InfoSec educator, technical writer and editor. #MCAS #POTS #NEISvoid

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Cake day: February 11th, 2023

  • @EthicalAI Chosen, or actual?

    I would like to be able to eat more veggies and unprocessed food, but in practice I eat what I’m able to get fixed quickly.

    I’ve gotten good at finding frozen veg mixes that I can combine with nut butter or fresh cheese to make a sort of sauce by heating it in the microwave for a few minutes. But availability of these is very sporadic, and stores will frequently stop carrying them for no particular reason.

    So if all I can manage for a given meal is a packet of ramen, that’s what I’m gonna shovel into my mouth to keep me going another few hours.

  • @robotistry @tomkindlon @longcovid @mecfs YMMV but I’ve heard from a lot of #PWME that it matters what symptoms you tackle. For me, it’s about managing mast cell symptoms and heart rate. So the right way for me to get more energy is to take something that slows my heart rate down so that I don’t exhaust myself as quickly. Taking something that makes me feel peppier might seem like the right thing to do, but when I feel peppy it means I’m running too “hot” and my energy envelope gets significantly smaller.