Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.

Open to reconsider my views in light of good-faith counter-arguments but also willing to defend what’s right, even when it’s unpopular. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • On a pet forum people regularly talk about (and suggest to others) how they euthanize their old / sick rodents at home using carbon-dioxide unlike nitrogen like this capsule uses. I looked into what’s the difference and it turns out inhaling pure carbon-dioxide instantly causes panic and the sense of suffocation and it’s a horrible way to die. They were even able to cause an panic attack on a person physically uncapable of experiencing fear. There are videos online about killing pigs like this and it’s not a pretty sight. Suffice to say I no longer take advice from those people.

  • Plumber here.

    It’s a closed circuit. When you’re bleeding out air the pressure in the system drops. When there’s no sufficient pressure the water wont reach the upper floors.

    Under normal circumstances the system is bled of air once and then they add more water untill the optimal pressure is reached and that’s it. You shouldn’t need to bleed air or add water ever again. The fact that you keep bleeding it indicates that new air is introduced somehow. Usually this means there’s a leak and someone keeps topping it up with fresh water which contains air that then need to be bled out again.

    Alternatively the issue could also be non-plumbers like yourself who keep bleeding the radiators on their own and then the maintenance keeps adding more water and wondering why the pressure always drops again. In my part of the world it’s forbidden for the residents to bleed their radiators for this very reason.

    Also, the radiator lines are usually steel. The reason they don’t rust is lack of oxygen. Now with constantly more water and thus air being added to the system the corrosion keeps on advancing.