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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 27
Comments 201
A local database with a command line interface? (sqlite?)
  • Joplin is a note taking app that stores its data in an sqlite database (easy to query but not a good idea to write to it) but there is also a command line version and both versions support access via a data API.

  • Pulsar v1.119.0 is live! Release v1.119.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Pulsar v1.119.0 is live! While a smaller release this time around, v1.119.0 still manages to pack a punch. For macOS, we've gone to great lengths to ensure Pulsar should build just fine on macOS 13...

    Release v1.119.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    While a smaller release this time around, v1.119.0 still manages to pack a punch.

    For macOS, we've gone to great lengths to ensure Pulsar should build just fine on macOS 13+, while our Linux users get greater compatibility for DevTools on various platforms. For our programmers, there's been more of the constant incremental improvements to various languages' built-in syntax highlighting and code folding this time around, with a focus on PHP, Python, Javascript, Typescript, Shell script, and C.

    As always thanks a ton to all of those that support the project and keep it moving forward, we appreciate you all, and look forward to seeing you amongst the stars.

    Zed on Linux is out!
  • Watch this space for the full history, I'm literally putting the final touches on a blog post that will go into details of how Atom started then how it became Pulsar as a little celebration after we hit 3k stars.

  • Plugin for built-in terminal?
  • Basically the package uses some native modules, it will attempt to download pre-built binaries for those modules but if it can't find an exact match for your system it needs to build them - hence the need for build tools. Unfortunately I don't know why it wouldn't detect them if you have them installed, best bet is to bring this up on on the x-terminal-reloaded GitHub repo or in our Discord to see if the dev for that package can help a bit more.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • That is more than fair enough, as said, not trying to get you to donate or anything, especially if you already donate your time. Just hoping to put something out there that some of us really do take the donations seriously and we try to be as transparent as possible with everything, I just wish more projects would do that to shake some of the potential mistrust.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • Whilst I do understand that sentiment, with our project we have made as much effort as possible to make sure that nobody thinks we would ever do such a thing.

    We are rather tight fisted with our donations and make sure we only spend them when absolutely necessary - none of it goes out as regular stipends for the team and all funds for expenses get sent in response to the actual bills incurred, I don't think any of us would dream of siphoning it into our pockets.

    We were even debating if we should use the "standard" funds to foot the bill for a new hosted service thing but felt this was a bit of a grey area - the service would be provided for free but footed by the donors of which only a small percentage would likely use it... We realise just how much of a privilege it is to be in receipt of the funds so we treat them with utmost reverence.

    Not that I'm trying to encourage you to donate money to projects rather than time, I very much do the same as you and donate time and effort rather than money, but there are some good guys out there.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
  • I have to admit that I don't. I have done a couple of one-off donations before but I generally hope that my karma is balanced by some of the effort I put into helping out with a couple of projects.

    That said, I've been utterly floored as to how generous the community has been with donating to one project I help with in particular. We added a donation platform with OpenCollective early on in the project but kind of hid the link away a little in the navbar, I thought we might get a tiny bit thrown at us every so often. When Distrotube did a video on us, one of the comments he made is that we should make the Donate button much more obvious, we did and now we have a whole bunch of super generous sponsors backing the project and making it possible. We keep the spending as open as we possibly can - it mostly goes into our backend hosting costs and website stuff and really does help it all stay alive.

  • Isn't defederating with lemmygrad being as censorship as USSR is accused of ?(NO SIDE TAKEN, READ BEFORE COMMENTING)
  • There is a difference between censorship and the right to not have to listen to somebody. Being banned from having a platform to speak from could count as censorship (for example being banned from Reddit). However with Lemmy those on lemmygrad are free to say whatever they want, the difference is that everyone else is just as free to not have to listen. The idea of the Lemmy instances is that they have the ability to curate content - an instance catering to an LGBT community is not going to want to have to listen to right wing evangelicals and you join up on that knowledge. If you want to have the option to hear every single voice then join an instance with that mindset or just host your own.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • And I wasn't aware of the Elementary thing with Flatpak! Admittedly I hadn't really thought of it in that way, I was thinking something more akin to F-droid where there are a couple of extra repos you can add which have applications not on the main one due to slightly looser requirements. But making it specifically for apps for that ecosystem in particular makes a lot of sense.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • Not officially but people have managed to reverse engineer it before in order to host their own -

    Whilst I do get the sentiment (and in no way do I support Canonical in keeping it proprietary), how likely is it that alternative Snap repos are going to show up if they did make it possible? Even with Flatpak where it is encouraged and documented I don't think I've heard of anyone setting up a Flathub alternative of any significance.

  • Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • From the conversation it seems to be a similar situation to the project I'm with is in. The flatpak is essentially community maintained rather than being directly supported by the team. To become verified it needs to be done so by a representative of the maintainers of the software. To be verified it doesn't have to have a team member involved in it but this is a requirement Inkscape seem to have imposed.

    For us we just aren't in a position to want to support it officially just yet, we have some major upgrades coming to our underlying tech stack that will introduce a whole bunch of stuff that will allow various XDG portals etc. to work properly with the Flatpak sandboxing model. To support it now would involve tons of workarounds which would need to be removed later.

  • Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register
  • Yeah this has been our (well, my) statement on requests to put out ARM binaries for Pulsar. Typically we only put binaries out for systems we actually have within the team so we can test on real hardware and replicate issues. I would be hesitant to put out Windows ARM builds when, as far as I know, we don't have such a device. If there was a sudden clamouring for it then we could maybe purchase a device out of the funds pot.

    The reason I was asking more about if it was to do with developer licences is that we have already dealt with differences between x86 and ARM macOS builds because the former seems to happily run unsigned apps after a few clicks, where the latter makes you run commands in the terminal - not a great user experience.

    That is why I was wondering if the ARM builds for Windows required signing else they would just refuse to install on consumer ARM systems at all. The reason we don't sign at the moment is just because of the exorbitant cost of the certificates - something we would have to re-evaluate if signing became a requirement.

  • Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86 • The Register
  • I can't say I'm one who shares that sentiment seeing as the only two projects I'm involved with happen to be Electron based (by chance rather than intention). Hell, one of them is Pulsar which is a continuation of Atom which literally invented Electron.

  • Hot dog, it's another Pulsar release! Pulsar 1.118.0 is available now! Release v1.118.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Hot dog, it's another Pulsar release! Get your grills ready, Pulsar v1.118.0 is cooking with gas! This release brings lots of love to syntax highlighting, along with a zesty sprinkling of features ...

    Release v1.118.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Get your grills ready, Pulsar v1.118.0 is cooking with gas! With lots of love to syntax highlighting, along with a zesty sprinkling of features and fixes. We've got Tree-sitter fixes and improvements from query tests, better documentation of our Tree-sitter usage, an updated PHP parser, and loads of improvements to Clojure, there should be a little something for everyone. But of course feel free to dive into the changelog for further details.


    Better Late than Never, Pulsar 1.115.0 is here! Release v1.115.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    A week later than you’re accustomed to — but worth the wait! Pulsar 1.115.0 is available now! Last month’s 1.114.0 release was full of fixes related to the recent migration to modern Tree-sitter. T...

    Release v1.115.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    A week later than you’re accustomed to — but worth the wait! Pulsar 1.115.0 is available now!

    Last month’s 1.114.0 release was full of fixes related to the recent migration to modern Tree-sitter. This month’s release is much smaller, but still dominated by Tree-sitter fixes affecting syntax highlighting, code folding, and indentation.


    A Valentine's release bursting with love, Pulsar 1.114.0 is available now! Release v1.114.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    A Valentine's release bursting with love, Pulsar 1.114.0 is available now! Welcome to a brand new Pulsar release! I think it is safe to say that this month has been one of our more eventful due to ...

    Release v1.114.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Welcome to a brand new Pulsar release!This release features a lot of updates and fixes for our modern Tree-sitter implementation, an assorted bag of bug fixes and some new features to introduce, such as restoring compatibility with older Linux distributions and a new ppm command.


    February Community Update! Community Update |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    Last month was our biggest update to Pulsar we have had in quite a while, so in this blog we will be addressing some of the issues people have seen and what you can expect in terms of fixes and updates. Outside of that, we have some big changes to the Pulsar Package Registry backend that give (and document) a bunch of new filters and endpoints to the API, as well as a reminder for \@maurício szabo's blog post detailing our biggest hurdle: the road to modern versions of Electron.


    The quest for Electron LTS The quest for Electron LTS |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    In the beginning, Atom appeared. It created an API to make packages, but together with this API, it also allowed authors to use web APIs together with node.js packages, modules (including "native modules" - more on that later) and, finally, a special API that was used to communicate between the "main module" and the "browser part".

    That last part, eventually, split from Atom and became Electron. And for a while, the Atom development was tied to the Electron one, meaning that an update on Atom usually meant an update on Electron, and vice-versa.

    Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for a long time...


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 6: reinventing symbols-view

    We’ve been telling a series of stories about all the different ways that Tree-sitter can improve the editing experience in Pulsar. Today’s story about symbols-view starts a bit slowly, but it’s got a great ending: the addition of a major new feature to Pulsar 1.113.


    Unlucky for some, but not us. Our 13th release, Pulsar 1.113.0, is available now! Release v1.113.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Unlucky for some, but not us. Our 13th release, Pulsar 1.113.0, is available now! Welcome to our first release of 2024! This is our 13th main release; let's just hope we aren't cursed by the number...

    Release v1.113.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Welcome to the release of Pulsar 1.113.0, our first release of 2024. For this release we have enabled our modern Tree-sitter implementation by default, a new Tree-sitter PHP grammar, a huge update to our 'symbols-view' package, a bunch of bug fixes and an issue where we banish 😡 to the Netherrealm.


    January Community Update! Community Update |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    Welcome to our first community update of 2024! We have a reminder about our upcoming tree-sitter change, a resolution to our annoying website issues, a brand new PPR API endpoint so you can find packages by your favourite authors, a statement on our commitment to our long-term projects and a very special new year community spotlight.


    Christmas has come early: Pulsar 1.112.0 is available now! Release v1.112.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Christmas has come early: Pulsar 1.112.0 is available now! Welcome to our 12th regular release! It has been exactly a year since we put out our first tagged release and development continues. This ...

    Release v1.112.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Welcome to our 12th regular release! It has been exactly a year since we put out our first tagged release and development continues. This month we have some new soft-wrapping options, some long overdue updates to PPM, improvements to our "GitHub" package, a new fuzzyMatcher API and our usual slew of bug fixes.


    December Community Update! Community Update |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    This month we have a big update on our plans to move to a new version of electron and what that might mean for our releases, some better error handling on our package website and our usual community spotlight to say thank you to those community members contributing to Pulsar's development!


    If you're API and you know it, clap your hands!: Pulsar 1.111.0 is available now! Release v1.111.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    If you're API and you know it, clap your hands!: Pulsar 1.111.0 is available now! Welcome to a new Pulsar regular release. This time we have a big new addition to Pulsar's API along with our usual ...

    Welcome to a new Pulsar regular release!

    This time we have a brand new API, a reduction in Pulsar's installed size, a fix for a really tricky and annoying bug, and some fixes from the community.


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 5: injections Modern Tree-sitter, part 5: injections |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    One annoying thing that software developers do is insist on writing in more than one language at once. Web developers are espeically obnoxious about this — routinely, for instance, putting CSS inside their HTML, or HTML inside their JavaScript, or CSS inside their HTML inside their JavaScript.

    Code editors like Pulsar need to roll with this, so today we’ll talk about how the modern Tree-sitter system handles what we call injections.


    November Community Update Community Update |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    This month we have a couple of really significant changes to how Pulsar works internally by creating a couple of new APIs that can be used throughout the application, a new package to help you run code directly within Pulsar and our usual community spotlight to say thank you to those community members contributing to Pulsar's development!


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 4: indentation and code folding

    Last time we looked at Tree-sitter’s query system and showed how it can be used to make a syntax highlighting engine in Pulsar. But syntax highlighting is simply the most visible of the various tasks that a language package performs.

    Today we’ll look at two other systems — indentation hinting and code folding — and I’ll explain how queries can be used to support each one.


    Armed with a big ol' can of Raid: Pulsar 1.110.0 is available now! Release v1.110.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Armed with a big ol' can of Raid: Pulsar 1.110.0 is available now! Here we are with another Pulsar release, and this month we have quite a number of fixes and improvements. This time around, the fo...

    Release v1.110.0 · pulsar-edit/pulsar

    Here we are with another Pulsar release, and this month we have quite a number of fixes and improvements. This time the focus has really been on bug fixes in order to improve the overall experience.

    We have updates to PPM for newer toolchain compatibility, a new Autocomplete API, better error handling for a crash at launch with invalid config and a fix for PHP snippets.


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 3: syntax highlighting via queries

    Last time I laid out the case for why we chose to embrace TextMate-style scope names, even in newer Tree-sitter grammars. I set a difficult challenge for Pulsar: make it so that a Tree-sitter grammar can do anything a TextMate grammar can do.

    Today, I'd like to show you the specific problems that we had to solve in order to pull that off.


    October Community Update!

    This month we announce our new "Pulsar Cooperative" initiative, showcase work being done to modernize the PPM codebase, introduce the new badges for the Pulsar Package Repository, show off the new Pulsar integration in GitHub Desktop and talk about an issue we had with signing our macOS binaries.


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 2: why scopes matter Modern Tree-sitter, part 2: why scopes matter |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    In the last post, I tried to explain why the new Tree-sitter integration was worth writing about in the first place: because we needed to integrate it into a system defined by TextMate grammars, and we had to solve some challenging problems along the way.

    Today I’ll try to illustrate what that system looks like and why it’s important.


    Modern Tree-sitter, part 1: the new old feature Modern Tree-sitter, part 1: the new old feature |

    A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor

    The last few releases of Pulsar have been bragging about a feature that arguably isn’t even new: our experimental “modern” Tree-sitter implementation. You might’ve read that phrase a few times now without fully understanding what it means, and an explanation is long overdue.

    This is the first of a series of articles about Pulsar’s ongoing project to migrate its Tree-sitter implementation to a more modern version. Read this first installment now on the Pulsar Blog
