• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


    1. Ms. Liu no longer lives with her father having moved out of her family home in September 2022 aged 16, but for the past two years she has regularly visited him at her family home a few nights per month. Ms. Liu further explained that on many of these visits since her father began using his dorzolamide eyedrops, she would lie on her father’s bed to talk and spend time with him each evening beginning around 8:00 p.m. and would stay on his bed from 30 to 90 minutes at a time, during which time she would have contact with her father’s pillows and bedding.13 When reacting to a funny or emotional story or video she shared with her father, which was not uncommon, Ms. Liu would sometimes press her face into the pillow while laughing.14 Ms. Liu explained that as a young child she grew up talking and spending time with both of her parents in their beds while they relaxed and that she had continued with that family tradition when visiting her father, and treasured it all the more since she no longer lived with him.15
    2. Ms. Liu’s father corroborated Ms. Liu’s explanation that in June 2023 he was prescribed dorzolamide eyedrops to treat his glaucoma which he administered in his bed twice daily until ceasing use in late March 2024

    A little odd, but not unbelievable. There was also a point made that this medication would not help her compete in her field of artistic swimming and that the measured quantities were extremely low, consistent with it being absorbed through the skin. So on the whole it sounds like there’s no real controversy here.

  • My guess was based on knowing that his parents were likely conservative (owing to the signs in the yard). In my experience conservative parents are often stricter than more liberal leaning parents. If that was the case here then knowing he was bullied and denied being on the rifle team, I can imagine that things weren’t exactly chipper for him in the family home either.

    My guess was, of course, just speculation. However, I would urge whoever is investigating his actions to look into the family situation to get a better picture of what might have motivated the young man’s actions.

  • Not sure if you are in the US or not but just so you are aware, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will not issue a copyright to AI generated content. I don’t know what the laws are outside the US, but other jurisdictions may be similar. The upshot of this is that while you may try to sell AI generated content, you will not be able to enforce any sort of copyright on it, at least within the US and possibly other countries. Many (those whose countries don’t recognize copyrights on AI generated content) will be able to take what you post/sell and sell it or use it as their own without having to pay you anything.

  • Welcome to the Verse! I can’t give you much advice regarding how to secure your sticks considering that I’ve been flying with unmounted sticks in SC for over a decade now. That said, I can tell you that playing AC repetitively will burn out your hands and wrists much quicker than in the Persistent Universe (PU) given the much more repetitive nature of the AC maps. If you are like me then you will likely spend a lot more time in the PU doing other things than ship combat, like simply traveling between POIs as well as FPS combat, mining, salvaging, looting, etc. I do ship combat to be sure, but when it’s interspersed with other things then I find it less taxing on my hands and wrists.

    I’d also encourage you to go ahead and jump into the PU and not worry too much about losing resources as this is still very much an Alpha game and it’s very likely that your character will be reset in the PU with the next major update anyway. You can always buddy up with someone experienced in the PU by asking in chat or utilize the Guide System to locate one of the many, helpful volunteer guides. I would also recommend doing the tutorial if you haven’t already, but if you didn’t do it initially I don’t think it will give you the option again until after the next wipe.

    The only tips I can give regarding combat is first to practice and second to make sure you are never flying in a straight line while in combat. Combat has changed in 3.23 with the introduction of Master Modes, so many of the resources I might suggested for reading/viewing are a bit out of date. Still, you might want to check out the Legacy Instructional Series. Again, some of the information is a bit dated in regards to the mechanics of things, but the core concepts they put forth for combat training still largely hold. There are also a number of resources listed on the official “Learn How to Play”(https://robertsspaceindustries.com/playstarcitizen) page on the RSI website, which you might want to check out.

    As for requesting a hangar, that can be done either using the comm’s MFD in your ship, the comms app in your Mobi (port ATC is listed under Friends), or by mapping the request landing keybind (it may be already bound to hold N, but I can’t say for sure right now as I have a custom mapping for that action [backslash]). The mapping can be found in the Options menu by clicking “KEYBINDINGS” -> “ADVANCED CONTROLS CUSTOMIZATIONS” -> “Flight Movements” -> “Request Landing”.

    Again, welcome to the verse and I sincerely hope you enjoy your experience.