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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • Even in your example above, with only two letters, no numbers / special characters allowed, requiring a capital letter decreases the possibilities back to the original 676 possible passwords - not less.

    No it doesn’t. It reduces the possibilities to less than the 52x52 possibilities that would exist if you allowed all possible combinations of upper and lower case letters.

    You are confused because you only see the two options of enforcing or not allowing certain characters. All characters need to be allowed but none should be enforced. That maximizes the number of possible combinations.

    that passwords should all require certain complexity, but without broadcasting the password requirements publicly?

    No, because that’s still the same. An attacker can find out the rules by creating accounts and testing.

  • By adding uppercase letters (for a total of 52 characters to choose from), you get 52 * 52 = 2704 possible passwords.

    You don’t add them, you enforce at least one. That eliminates all combinations without upper case letters.

    So, without this rule you would indeed have the 52x52 possible passwords, but with it you have (52x52)-(26x26) possible passwords (the second bracket is all combinations of 2 lowercase letters), which is obviously less.

    The only way you would decrease the number of possible passwords is if you specified that the character in a particular spot had to be uppercase

    Wrong. In your example, for any given try, if you have put a lowercase letter in spot 1, you don’t need to try any lowercase in spot 2.

    Any information you give the attacker eliminates possible combinations.

  • So the ending was always going to have to move away from what made the series interesting/successful

    While you have a point, I don’t think the ending was necessarily bad because of that.

    To me the resolutions they did use were just badly executed. I’d have been fine with the battle of the bastards resolving the Bolton plot, if the battle as shown didn’t make me scream at my screen every 2 minutes from all the logic holes. Same with the fall of Highgarden, Daenerys going insane, Bran becoming King etc. They could have reached mostly the same outcomes and it could have been fine. But the build up and the attention to detail just weren’t there at all. And it wasn’t even that they ran out of time, they deliberately shortened the last 2 seasons because they wanted it to be over.