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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024


  • I don’t and I don’t actually normally care all that much about abortion but when I see crazy radical talking points like I have in this thread it makes me more of a pro-life activist. Left or right I have very little patience for nonsense.

    One dude implied in regard to pregnancy that a baby is like a parasite and when the mother no longer consented to her body being used by the baby she could just flush it away like a turd. That’s sick framing. Treating unborn human beings like they’re disposable is sick. And I don’t buy the bodily autonomy argument. Many of these same people will advocate for mandatory vaccines but yet will scream pro-choice slogans at rallies. And vaccines are way safer than abortion. Shoot even I support mandatory vaccination.

    As political extremism and echo chambers become more common I feel I have a moral and civic duty to pop those bubbles by presenting dissenting viewpoints. I can do that here due to the lack of censorship I’ve encountered so far whereas I can’t do that on Reddit so it becomes more and more unhealthy over there.

    My real enemy is echo chambers and political extremism on both sides of the aisle. It’s already unrecoverable and nightmarish on the right, I don’t want it to get that bad on the left.

    Even if it doesn’t show in what people type, me presenting arguments against abortion still provides a useful catalyst for critical thinking and discussion. It is definitely a small contribution but it’s certainly better than a vacuum of dissenting opinions.

  • Yes as I’ve said many places and I probably should have been more clear in my original comment there should always be exceptions for rape, incest or when the mother’s health is in life threatening risk.

    I’ll even go one further than you did and I would say that we should make contraception free and just pass it out like candy and I don’t just mean condoms I mean all types. Not reduced cost. Totally free. I’m pro-life and that would reduce abortions tremendously. Most pro life people are not extremists or anti-contraception.

    I’m also happy to pay higher taxes to provide prenatal care and I support Universal health Care in general. Medicare for all.