• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Flew with my two buddies one of which worked for the airline. We were flying “standby” when that was still a thing (90’s). We flew the red eye from Denver to Vancouver Canada through a thunderstorm on a plane that was practically empty. Lightning actually hit the plane, I had no idea it happened until a stewardess told my airline buddy. On the way back we were at the airport in Seattle and were about to get bumped (again standby) when they gave us first class seats

  • Food server/bartender jobs come to mind. Not only do you meet a lot of people but they often are repeat customers. People would rather hire someone they are familiar with than a stranger off the street and it helps if they see you have a good work ethic. If you are like me and don’t have a college degree don’t underestimate qualities you may have that will work for you. Just by showing up with a positive attitude and being trustworthy puts you ahead. Every job I’ve had in adulthood came by word of mouth and they have all been small businesses. The job I wouldn’t recommend is a factory job. They often will pay a couple of bucks more and seem ideal if you don’t want to deal with the public but you won’t meet many people besides your coworkers unless you work the dock. I hope this helps, good luck