• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Got really harshly dogged in sophomore year by an asshole, one day in gym class he threw a basketball (iirc?)directly at my head. That day I gave him a death stare and we squared up, gym teacher came over and threw US both on the ground yelling like you do when dogs start fighting. A year later I was questioned by the school councilor whether I was safe enough to go to my honors classes at a neighboring high school (zero tolerance for bad behavior in this program). I nearly got denied my favorite class (equine science+veterinary science) over that shit. Don’t even remember the guy’s name, but he was a total loser. I’m still salty that I didn’t beat the shit out of him that day lol.

  • I’ll just straight up say that the problem is with Microsoft more than anything else. Their UI design is abysmal. Nothing is consistent, nothing is smoothly animated, nothing is easily identifiable by its icon, nothing is glassy and good looking like Win7/macOS. Even in their peak design of Windows 7, they still had those awful legacy UI elements in system settings and the registry settings.

    Even with multitouch trackpads being a thing on Windows now, there’s STILL not linear trackpad gestures as of 6 months ago when I played with the display units in the store.

  • This application of deep learning would apply to music suitable for playing DDR/ITG/Stepmania/Stepmaniax/PIU etc.; essentially music gaming:

    Most music that would be reasonably fun to play falls within 110-240BPM and runs between 2.5 and 7 minutes long. At 110BPM, a song with a coded 110BPM, but a true BPM of 110.001 will drift by roughly 2ms. Music games are predicated on timing precision down to 15ms as a minimum. I, myself, hit notes within a rough range of 6ms at my best (and I’m barely top 100 in the world).

    scorecard for reference

  • It has nothing to do with Palestine’s role in the conflict. It has to do with postwar Britain’s unbelievable power to redraw boarders at a whim. While I don’t agree with the way they were drawn, I don’t think it’s morally correct to cherrypick which borders to redraw. Whether it’s fair or not, postwar Britain made choices that we all live with today. Unfortunately for Palestine, that meant that they were subject to the whim of a global superpower, which is why they lost their land and why Israel exists today.

  • My personal opinion is that both sides are in the wrong here. Israel is overstepping its borders, but Palestine is not controlling Gaza and isn’t exactly cracking down on the extremism or defending their borders. Israel is taking advantage of the weak, poorly organized, poorly administered Palestinian (and Syrian!) land by annexing small plots slowly over time.

    If you talk to Palestinians, they want to return Palestine and its lands to a Muslim country. They have an overall nationalistic view that I don’t find conducive to peace or overall benefit to everyday people.

    As a general idea, I’m all for self determination, but I’m also for the rule of plurality. Because of that, and Israel’s general secular liberal principals (not in the modern American definition of the term), I side with Israel.

    My genuine gut feeling is to benefit the most amount of people possible, and thus support the side that more closely adheres to the declaration of human rights.

  • “If a whole nation would be moved into my homeland, and from now on it wouldn’t be my homeland”

    Yes, this is your ELI5. Majorities come and go. Governments come and go. I’ll give you two examples right next door to Israel:

    1. Egypt was a dynastic system, then Geek, then Roman, then Christian nation then an Arab nation beginning in the 7th century. During each of the periods, a particular ethnicity did exactly the above: they moved in and became the majority. There was a point where it was overwhelmingly correct to call Egypt any one of the above after dynastic rule concluded. Today, Egypt is a Muslim majority country, but if for some reason christians poured in (the British kindof started to do this in the early 19th-20th century in the protectorate period) it would, at some point, become christian.

    2. Constantinople was a Christian capitol city for centuries until the Ottoman conquest in 1453. The city was renamed Instanbul in 1928, but wasn’t recognized as such until a year later in 1929.

    The takeaway from all this is that land changes hands in various ways. It’s the point at which the definition of a land changes that is sometimes controversial until a kind of revolution takes place.

  • The more I look into this conflict, the more I go back and forth on my position lmao. Essentially, yes, you have it right. However, you’re trivializing the post WW2 mandate for Israel. The entire world was carved up post WW2, and I don’t think it’s correct to say that this particular mandate should be reneged. If you look at it objectively, there was a ton of land transfer post WW2, so you’ll have to argue why Israel in particular should be repossessed.

    Practicality-wise, Israel is a fairly progressive country that upholds LGBT rights, religious freedom (mostly), has a democratic government, etc. Palestine on its own would be just like any other Arab state and would not be as pro-human rights.