• 89 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Would anyone prefer that I summarize the Patch Notes for brevity the way I do other posts? Or are the original Patch Notes brief enough?

    For example, a rephrasing of today’s:

    • Fixed issue preventing certain Warbirds from equipping Borg Kingdom Interceptor Probes.
    • Corrected the Fleet Power Network console to only reduce Weapon Firing Cycles cooldowns, not all cooldowns.
    • Addressed disrupter ground visuals for various weapons and drones.
    • Fixed display issue with Kurleth Phaser Pistol.
    • Updated 14th Anniversary bundle description for item claims in the Zen Store.

  • Just noticed that I duplicated your post about the 14th Anniversay Bundle. Sorry about that.
    I’m a mod over at the kbin STO community and thought I’d start helping out by cross-posting some of my summaries to the startrek.website community as well.

    Not sure how well this comment or the syncing will work, but just wanted to say hi and LLAP. I’ll continue to try these cross-postings from our community to yours, unless you say otherwise.

  • You beat me to it! I got my bullet-point summary all written up too before coming here to post. Haha

    February 15th at 8am PT to March 7th at 12pm PT

    • Complete “Pahvo Dissension” (Ground) or “Peril Over Pahvo” (Space) TFOs to earn Daily Progress.

    • Accumulate 14 Days’ Daily Progress for the Pahvo Space Set:

      • Omni-Directional Beam Array
      • Energy Torpedo Launcher
      • Universal Console.
    • Additional Dilithium for continued participation.

    • Zen Buyout available.

    • Event contributes to an Event Campaign

  • I’m tempted to get this bundle; I have wanted it for a while, but the Tommy Gun (originally) being only bound to character was an issue for me.
    HOWEVER, while I might be tempted by this bundle, I will note that the 25% discount is less than the 35% bundle discount this bundle often receives with sales.

    According to my records, this (and other C-store bundles) was last on 35% discount in January of this year and will likely see another 35% discount in May.
    So, I guess I’ll be holding on to my Zen for now.