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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Not necessarily. The advantages of the minimum wage is that the benefits go directly to low wage earners who can use the money. So even though it imposes costs on the rest of society, it’s worth it because those are the people who need that money the most (other than the unemployed).

    Rent control primarily benefits renters who stay put for extended periods. While this does have some benefits in allowing tenants who would otherwise be forced out of gentrifying neighborhoods to stay, the problem is that it doesn’t benefit their kids or other less resourced people who didn’t get in early. Since the benefits accrue the longer you stay put, it’s usually older tenants who benefit the most and they often have higher than average levels of wealth among tenants. Meanwhile, tenants who don’t get in early can be harmed by increased prices overall.

    It’s a complex policy with many pros and cons. Overall I don’t think it’s a smart one but either way I don’t think we can just point to minimum wage increases and say that means rent control is good.

  • This is based on a widespread misconception that non-profit organizations are not also pursuing money. They don’t get to take home the profits but they still want to maximize revenue and minimize costs to grow and sustain themselves. So while they don’t behave exactly the same as privately owned orgs, there is a lot of overlap.

  • The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Every single time anyone posts something vaguely critical of these emotional support vehicles, we always get someone with a bruised ego in here trying to fight the entire community over it. Which is hilarious because it kinda just proves the whole point. If it’s not about image then why are people so sensitive about it?

    There really isn’t any other explanation for why these monster trucks have become so popular than vanity. Larger trucks with higher, smaller beds have become the norm, and they’re actually less useful for the things you might need a pickup for. And there’s similarly no reason to think that Americans have suddenly discovered a huge need for pickups that didn’t exist 50 years ago. Yet their prevalence on the road has increased dramatically.

    It’s just another fashion accessory. But unlike the fedora, it’s a deadly one, and so of course we will criticize you. Don’t like it? Easy solution: stop choosing fashion accessories that kill people. There are plenty of other ways to cosplay wealth or rugged individualism.

  • Why does everything bad in the world need to be labeled genocide nowadays to be taken seriously? Gazans were living in horrible conditions prior to Oct 7th but how can there have been genocide while population growth rate was among the highest in the world? This seems to stretch the definition of the word beyond all recognition.

    As far as your other claims I’d be interested to see the evidence if you can share it. Most of my reading happened earlier on and there were a lot of conflicting claims and misinformation flying. I assume by now we’ve got closer to the truth. My understanding is there were cases of rape even though many were exaggerated or even fabricated in some cases. I don’t know what you mean by the 1200 thing as that’s not mentioned in the tweet here. Are you referring to another post?

  • Well that’s kind of what I meant by taking long-term thinking to an illogical extreme. I’m not plugged into that community enough to say whether that is universal or just one voice among many. If that is the predominant view that we need to ignore present or even what most people would consider long-term problems in favor of trillions of future AI souls or whatever then I agree there is a bigger conflict.

    I’ve not seen kurzegesagt saying anything like that though. Even in the video criticized above they are discussing the importance of dealing with climate change, albeit in a way that is not sufficiently critical of existing social structures.

  • I’m not sure the solution of swarming our streets with cops is really better than the current problem. It seems like it would just shift indiscriminate traffic violence towards discriminatory violence against rule breakers, POC, or whoever upsets the cops. Maybe if we had a better organization capable of doing this but my sense is the police don’t really perform this function right now anyway. At least where I live there’s little to no traffic enforcement as is.

    Another big aspect I didn’t mention is designing roads that prevent people from behaving badly in the first place. A system that depends on good behavior or the very unlikely event of getting pulled over was never going to work.

  • Every conflict is complicated. Just because you want it to be cops and robbers doesn’t make it so.

    Nazi genocide was complicated. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t clear who needed to be stopped but it’s insulting to our intelligence to try to paper over these complexities because people think we can’t act to stop war crimes if we acknowledged that they occurred on both sides.

    Edit: the above comment was edited considerably to be more nuanced than the one I originally replied to. But I want to point out that who started it is only one of many relevant facts here. Particularly because the original zionists are all dead at this point.

    Palestinians have a right to fight for liberation but not to kill random civilians. Hamas in particular is an authoritarian organization of religious fanatics that oppress Palestinians and endorse murdering civilians. They are not a useful part of the struggle for liberation and have made things much much worse through their actions.