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I will abide by the council's rule

No ice cream for transphobes

A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Fair enough. I'll step aside until this is resolved. I fully trust your judgment.

  • A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Lying about harboring a Jew in Nazi Germany is understandable. I personally have lied about having undocumented people in my household.

    Lying about a presiden committing genocide domestically and abroad is a totally different thing. This is more comparable to claiming that Hitler wasn't exterminating people in death camps. This type of lie results in erasure and should never be applied, especially not to garner votes in an election.

    Lying and saying a president is trans-friendly when he literally just signed anti-trans legislation is also not okay. We need to be aware of what our government is doing.

    But on an individual level? Absolutely. I'm actually in such a position at my own job, not as a teacher, but in which I do not disclose or even obfuscate certain facts about my clients. I would never out a queer person who did not want to be outed. I personally grew up in an extremely small conservative community where I feared for my life.

    But again, that's not what the post itself was about -- it was about lying to win the election for Biden. That's how it violated rule 2. If it were about lying to protect marginalized groups, it would have absolutely been left up.

    I outlined a strategy to just shut up for a few months until it’s safe to act again without causing a genocide

    But here's where the erasure comes in: There is a genocide happening right now, like right this very moment, that wouldn't be possible without our president's support.

    I hope I've addressed all Your points. In any case, I re-emphasize that I cannot allow a post that suggests we lie to cover/erase genocide, border fascism, transphobia, and any other form of oppression by the state, for the same reason that I wouldn't allow a Maoist to deny the people who died due to state-induced famine.

  • A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • Sorry. I woke up to a lot of pings. Here is where I misgendered OP. I've fixed it now, but I accidentally used a lowercase Y on "You." I'm aware OP uses capitalized pronouns. It wasn't intentional, but I still feel terrible about it, and I'll accept any consequences for doing so.

    I just removed the other comment with misgendering, and you'll see it now in the modlog. I did not initially remove it because the post itself had been removed at that point, but in hindsight this was not the right call.

    For the record, I've always been quite outspoken against any form of genocide, including that against queer people, and I say that as a member of the queer community.

    I'll accept whatever call you want to make. I feel terrible that OP feels hurt. I've always tried to be supportive of Them, and to be honest I quite enjoy having Them in the community.

  • A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • These are not innocent trans people who just have a disagreement on how to protect trans people, they are genocide supporters who use transphobic violence against those who disagree

    This is blatantly false. We openly oppose all forms of genocide and transphobia. There's not a single post or comment defending genocide or transphobia of any kind. If there were, then they've been removed and the users banned.

  • A moderator of a community on Blahaj misgendered Me and I can't report it.
  • You're right. I did misgender You in that report, and I apologize. I have no excuse because I'm well aware You use capitalized pronouns. I even tried to be careful not to do so, but I still failed. I'll fix it.

    As for the comment I left up, the post is removed for violating the community rules, so I didn't remove further comments after I removed the post itself, but You're right -- I'll remove it.

    The post was removed for a completely different reason. The post was encouraging people to lie in order to win elections -- erasing the experiences of groups such as Palestinians, immigrants, the economically disadvantaged, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ people. There's no way I was going to leave that up. Erasure is never okay.

    It's very infrequent that I have to remove a post, but this one very clearly violated the community guidelines.

    I have no problem with You as a person, and I've always appreciated Your meaningful and thoughtful contributions to the community, even when I don't fully agree. I'm sure You feel a bit hurt that I also applied a temporary ban for the post, but I did that because even though I personally like You and have tried to be nothing but an ally and friend, it would be completely inappropriate for me as a mod to show favoritism in such a case. I therefore applied the same temp ban I would to any other user who made such a post. It was genuinely nothing personal, and I'll be honest -- it wasn't even easy for me to do the right thing. I almost sent You a DM to explain the situation, but I wasn't sure it would be welcome. Now I wish I had.

  • installing awnings?
  • I feel the same. That video made me want awnings so bad.

  • Rule
  • The grippy socks in my drawer are the most expensive pair of socks I own. In fact, I'm still paying for them.

    USA! USA!

  • Good rule Murphy!
  • This legit brought tears to my eyes

  • anomalocarule
  • That's her account name on discord

  • Network error when loading a video
  • Upgrade to the latest version. They fixed it.

  • Bloomburrule (I am spreading misinformation online)


    big boss’ Hor(ule)n
  • Images may be subject to copyright.

    Yet you post it here. Just a glimpse into your twisted reality.

  • Jarl of Whiterule
  • One of the best videos ever made

  • Jarl of Whiterule


    Freaky rule

    What’s a Pig Butchering Scam? Here’s How to Avoid Falling Victim to One.
  • I watched a documentary about how people are enslaved and forced to commit these scams. It's even worse for them than it is for the people being scammed. I keep trying to tell people about things like this, but it's like they don't believe me. I even had a co-worker who was in a pig butchering scam for years, but refused to believe it because she was "in love" with "him." It finally got to a point where she saw through it, but she had already lost a lot.

  • Biden faces ridicule for saying he’s been ‘very supportive’ of Palestinians
  • It looks to me like Project 2025 is a document compiling everything the Republicans have been openly wanting for decades. Democrats support a good portion of it as well, and I haven't seen Biden doing anything meaningful to stop it, nor any sign that he intends to stop it, other than going "next term guys I promise" like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.

  • Biden faces ridicule for saying he’s been ‘very supportive’ of Palestinians
  • I often remember that 2015 poll that showed most USAmerican voters including Democrats are far more motivated by party affiliation vs. policy. It explains so much. When they see someone citing Their Guy's actual words and actions, they're unable to fathom that real actual humans give a fuck about these real-world issues and their consequences for other groups of people.

    That's how you get anyone to the left of Reagan labeled "tankies" and "bots," and how I've been called "privileged" while watching my own family arrested and deported, and a "fascist" for saying we shouldn't put children in cages or commit genocide no matter how many people think we should. (Real things that terminally centrist status quo warriors on .world have called me.)

  • Calm before the rule
  • It's alright. I think we've all seen this one


  • Pets rule
  • What a sweetie! Pets are the best thing ever, and I know that feeling of loss. I had a little dog for 15 years, and I was absolutely lost when she passed.

  • Rare Jack Black (Ru)L(e)
  • Jack Black is a zionist. I should hope no one takes him seriously. At least he canceled his tour. Always nice when the trash takes itself out.

  • Calm before the rule


    Pets rule


    Virus rule


    Literulelly me


    I keep forgetting Moldy Monday rule


    Behind on rules




    Equal opporuletunity


    The jerkerr rule


    Not rule gamers


    Ameruleica 🦀


    Follow me for more rulecipes


    Aminials rule


    Corny rule 🌽


    Buffet rule


    Talking rule about me
