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What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • has a massive Zionism problem. Most people appear unable to handle any criticism of their cult.

  • France trains live updates: Arson attacks on French train network delay thousands of travellers hours before Olympic ceremony
  • Massively disrupting the Olympics and economy without any civilian casualties?


  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Damn you're at 150K comments? That's a lot dude. Take a break sometime.

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Tell me does Biden rule Germany too? You seem to be very lost.

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • You're taking a lot of time to defend people complicit in Genocide. I wonder which of us is mentally healthy.

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Good you're making progress.

    Is Joe Biden complicit in israel committing Genocide?

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • You mean israel is not committing Genocide?

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Not with you it seems. Have you considered not supporting Genocide?

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Which middle eastern country do you live in person that pretends to live in the middle east?

  • Olympics

    Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • The reality of America overthrowing all governments including the Iranian one and then liberals then whining about it as if they have some point.

    If all they said is Hezbollah is based for resisting Genocide, that's pretty based of the group.

    Of course you support Genocide, so it might be hard to imagine people don't like that.

  • Germany bans Muslim association for pursuing radical Islam
  • Thank America for overthrowing your government while you're at it.

    And you support banning criticism of israel committing Genocide I see. How very "progressive" of you.

  • Kamala Harris Planted Trees For Israel As A Child, Recalls Fond Memory After Netanyahu Meeting

    Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the press following a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in the White House complex.

    Harris began by sharing a personal anecdote from her childhood, recalling how she planted trees to support Israel's "right to defend itself." She emphasized the complexity of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, urging Americans to understand that it is not a binary issue. “Let us all condemn terrorism and violence,” she stated. “And let us condemn antisemitism, Islamophobia and hate of any kind.”

    Reflecting on her recent discussions with Prime Minister Netanyahu, Harris said, “I just had a frank and constructive meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. I told him that I will always ensure that Israel is able to defend itself, including from Iran and Iran-backed militias such as Hamas and Hezbollah.”

    “I’ve had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the State of Israel, to its security, and to the people of Israel,” she said.

    There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • Whenever America overthrew a government.

    Go look up when ISIS started getting foot in Libya and when Obama assassinated Gadaffi.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • I wonder why ISIS exists. Oh yeah because America overthrew the government that was in place and left a massive power vacuum so they could get cheap oil.

  • Google Planned to Sponsor IDF Conference That Now Denies Google Was Sponsor

    Internal Google documents show the company planned to sponsor an Israel Defense Forces tech conference — but its name was erased at the last minute.

    Google Planned to Sponsor IDF Conference That Now Denies Google Was Sponsor

    The “IT For IDF” conference in Rishon LeZion, just south of Tel Aviv, brought together tech firms from across the world to support the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza and beyond.

    Many of the assembled companies are not household names in the United States, but several multinational firms — like Nokia, Dell, and Canon — were present at July 10 event.

    The mission they had gathered to support was clear. Onstage, a brigadier general with the Israeli military gave a presentation that connected the Nakba, the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, the 2006 invasion of Lebanon, the current war on Gaza, and more wars in the decades to come. His call to action splashed across the big screen: “Each generation and its own turn — this is our watch!”

    One company, however, was conspicuously absent: Google.

    For the last two years, Google had been a marquee sponsor of IT For IDF — the company is a natural partner for the event, given Google Cloud’s foundational role in Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion contract aimed at modernizing cloud computing operations across Israeli government that it shares with Amazon.

    There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • Yeah we didn't even get into Africa and South America yet.

  • Emirati passports discovered in Sudan suggest UAE boots on the ground

    The UAE has long been accused of drawing out the conflict in Sudan through its involvement

    Emirati passports discovered in Sudan suggest UAE boots on the ground

    Emirati passports recovered in Sudan have provided damning evidence that the UAE has been intervening in the conflict in the north African country.

    According to the Guardian, a document sent to the UN Security Council and seen by the newspaper contains images allegedly found in Sudan and linked to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the paramilitary group that has been fighting the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in the country since April 2023.

    Middle East Eye has reported previously on the extensive support the UAE provides for the RSF through a network of supply routes that run through Libya, Chad, Uganda and Central African Republic.

    The UAE continues to deny that it is arming and supplying the RSF, which is led by its longtime ally Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, the general and former Janjaweed commander known as Hemeti.

    International human rights groups have found “clear and compelling evidence” that the RSF is committing genocide against “non-Arab groups” in Darfur, the vast western region of Sudan that is now almost entirely controlled by the paramilitary force.

    There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • I did not realize I was the only person allowed to google stuff. Are you guys all under CIA surveillance or something?

    Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Barak Obama’s diplomacy record was no better than Bush’s failed diplomacy. Obama inherited the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and although he publicly spoke out against the Iraq invasion in October 2002, Obama kept the American military engaged in both countries – there were drawdowns without closure. Obama also inserted the US military, typically often special operations forces, into conflicts throughout the globe including: the al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen (2010); military strikes on suspected al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and ISIS positions in Yemen (2011); military intervention in Libya: Operation Odyssey Dawn (2011); strikes on al-Shabaab militants begin in Somalia (2011); Uganda: support Uganda against the Lord’s Resistance Army (2011); troops deployed to Jordan to help it contain the Syrian Civil War (2012); soldiers and Patriot missiles sent to Turkey (2012); assisted the French in Mali (2013); USAF supported the French in Somalia (2013); special operations raids in Somalia and Libya (2013); increased military members sent to Uganda (2014); intervention in Iraq to support Iraqi and Kurdish fighters (2014); airstrikes against Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS), a.k.a. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), aligned forces throughout northern Iraq (2014); failed rescue mission in Syria (2014); increased intervention in Syria, and bombing of ISIS positions in Syria (2014); airstrikes on al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front & Khorasan positions (2014); continuous attacks on ISIS/ISIL & al-Nusra Front positions in both Iraq and Syria (2014); raids in Yemen against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) (2014); USN ships were sent to the Strait of Hormuz in response to Iran; U.S. military troops sent to Cameroon to provide support to local forces (2015) (CRS, 2020). The most-reported engagements included US attacks against ISIS/ISIL, and to a lesser extent Obama’s military support of the Nigerian army against Boko Haram, support of Uganda against the Lord’s Resistance Army, as well as combat soldiers supporting the Philippines against Abu Sayyaf, an Islamic State affiliate, and other Qaeda-linked militants (CRS, 2022; Wikipedia, 2022).

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • You got plenty of examples listed above go research their casualties.

  • Biden begins meeting with Israel’s Netanyahu amid Gaza war protests Biden hosts Israel’s Netanyahu at White House amid Gaza war protests

    Israeli prime minister will also meet VP Kamala Harris and ex-President Donald Trump on contentious visit to US.

    Washington, DC – US President Joe Biden has begun a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a day after thousands of people protested against the Israeli leader’s visit to the United States capital amid the Gaza war.

    US Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic presidential nominee in November’s election, is also expected to hold talks with Netanyahu on Thursday.

    The Biden administration has continued to provide unwavering support to Israel amid the conflict in Gaza, authorising billions of dollars in military aid and providing Israel with key diplomatic backing.

    Speaking from the Oval Office, Netanyahu said he “looked forward” to working with Biden during the remainder of his term.

    “I look forward to it as well,” Biden responded.


    Exclusive: UK likely to restrict arms sales to Israel Exclusive: UK expected to restrict arms sales to Israel

    MEE has learnt that the Labour government is likely to announce some restrictions on arms sales to Israel, but not suspend them entirely

    Exclusive: UK expected to restrict arms sales to Israel

    The UK is likely to introduce restrictions on arms sales to Israel, Middle East Eye can reveal. It is also expected to drop its objection to the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant for senior Israeli leaders.

    Well-informed sources within the Labour Party told Middle East Eye that in the coming days the government is likely to introduce some restrictions on arms sales but not suspend sales entirely.

    The development comes after Foreign Secretary David Lammy said last week that he requested a comprehensive review of Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law on his first day in office.


    Trump to meet Netanyahu Friday at Mar-a-Lago

    Why it matters: This will be the first meeting between Trump and Netanyahu since the fallout between them after the 2020 elections.

    The Israeli Prime Minister hopes the meeting with Trump will open a new page in their relations.

    The last time Netanyahu met Trump was at the White House in September 2020 at the signing ceremony of the Abraham Accords, which Trump brokered.

    The Israeli prime minister has been courting Trump, who's held a grudge against Netanyahu for years.

    "F**k him," Trump told Axios about Netanyahu in April 2021, during a rant over Netanyahu congratulating President Biden for winning the presidency in 2020.

    Microblog Memes Linkerbaan



    Congress gives standing ovation for modern day Hitler. Watch Standing ovation | Streamable

    Watch "Standing ovation" on Streamable.

    Watch Standing ovation | Streamable

    Get in line to kiss the ring.

    0 'Guilty of Genocide': Tlaib Protests Netanyahu's Speech to Congress | Common Dreams

    "I will never back down in speaking truth to power. The apartheid government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians."

    'Guilty of Genocide': Tlaib Protests Netanyahu's Speech to Congress | Common Dreams

    Following her call for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's arrest during his visit to Washington, D.C., U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib protested the right-wing leader's Wednesday address before a joint meeting of Congress by holding up a sign reading "war criminal" and "guilty of genocide."

    "They will not erase us. Palestinians exist and we deserve to live. Our presence today will be a reminder that we aren't going anywhere," Tlaib (D-Mich.) said on social media. "I will never back down in speaking truth to power. The apartheid government of Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians."

    0 Israel flagbearer at Paris Olympics ‘signs bombs’ targeting civilians in Gaza

    Israel's male flagbearer at Friday’s opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is believed to have signed bombs prior to them being fired against the Palestinians in Gaza, Anadolu...

    Israel’s male flagbearer at Friday’s opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is believed to have signed bombs prior to them being fired against the Palestinians in Gaza, Anadolu has reported. Peter Paltchik, 32, used social media to show him writing “From me to you with pleasure” on munitions destined for Gaza.


    40 Can Kamala Harris Wipe the Blood Off Her Hands?

    While the likely Democratic nominee does not have Joe Biden’s 50-year history of support for Israeli militarism, her record indicates she would maintain a staunch pro-Israel policy.

    Can Kamala Harris Wipe the Blood Off Her Hands?

    Within hours of Joe Biden announcing he would not seek reelection, the Democratic Party’s power elite began consolidating their support for Vice President Kamala Harris to head the ticket to defeat Donald Trump. Among Harris’s challenges if she secures the Democratic nomination will be to win back support from voters outraged at the Biden administration’s facilitation of Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians of Gaza.

    Harris set a tone for her posture on Israel as a senator when she co-sponsored legislation in 2017 condemning former President Barack Obama’s decision to abstain from vetoing a UN Security Council Resolution critical of Israel. The resolution, which was adopted in December 2016, stated that “the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.”

    Harris and her senate colleagues charged that Obama’s refusal to block the UN resolution was “inconsistent with long-standing United States policy.” They said U.S. policy should be aimed at preventing the UN from actions that “further isolate Israel through economic or other boycotts or any other measures” and urged future administrations “to uphold the practice of vetoing all United Nations Security Council resolutions that recognize unilateral Palestinian actions including declaration of a Palestinian state or dictate terms and a timeline for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

    0 Reports: Russia Hits NATO Member Romania With Kamikaze Drone

    Although Kremlin strike planners probably didn’t intend to hit a NATO member, Romania’s military launched F-16s fighters and said it would investigate.

    Reports: Russia Hits NATO Member Romania With Kamikaze Drone

    A Russian kamikaze drone on Wednesday flew into NATO air space and detonated near a Romanian village, Ukrainian news reports said, but official Bucharest said the fact of the strike wasn’t confirmed and that they would check.

    Ukrainian social media video recorded in the river port city of Izmail, opposite Plaura, showed an orange flash lighting up the night horizon and a booming blast on the Romanian side of the river. Flames and smoke reaching hundreds of meters into the sky were visible following the explosion. A Russian kamikaze drone strike against Izmail had been in progress at the time.


    There are too many of these people on lemmy

    Lemmy.World banned me for this.

    Political Memes Linkerbaan

    There are too many of these people on lemmy

    0 Israel parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation

    The Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval on Monday to a bill that declares the main United Nations relief organisation for Palestinians a terrorist organisation and proposes to sever relations with...

    Israel parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation

    The Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval on Monday to a bill that declares the main United Nations relief organisation for Palestinians a terrorist organisation and proposes to sever relations with the body, Reuters reports.

    The vote against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is the latest step in an Israeli push against the Agency, which Israeli leaders have accused of collaborating with the Hamas Movement in Gaza.

    Israel has said hundreds of UNRWA staff are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but has yet to provide evidence to a UN-appointed review.

    57 2 American activists injured in attack by illegal Israeli settlers in West Bank

    Illegal settlers attack Palestinians, foreign activists while clearing, plowing farmlands in Qusra town - Anadolu Ajansı

    Two American activists and a Palestinian were injured on Sunday in an attack by illegal Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, according to medics and local media.

    The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said its medics transferred two Americans to the hospital after they were assaulted by illegal settlers in the town of Qusra in the northern West Bank.

    The official Palestinian news agency Wafa said another Palestinian was injured in the attack.

    According to the broadcaster, a group of illegal settlers attacked Palestinians and foreign activists as they were clearing and plowing farmlands.


    Israeli-American sprays his machine gun into civilian areas in Gaza. Watch Precision | Streamable

    Watch "Precision" on Streamable.

    Watch Precision | Streamable
    Political Memes Linkerbaan


    Apartheids propaganda only guys.

    0 The ICJ Ruling Confirms What Palestinians Have Been Saying for 57 Years

    Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, a form of apartheid, and must end, says the U.N.’s high court at The Hague.

    The United Nation’s top court filed a ruling Friday that echoed what Palestinian advocates have been saying for decades: Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, including its settlements in the West Bank, is illegal and must end.

    The International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion also called for reparations for Palestinians who have lived under Israel’s occupation since it began in 1967, an unprecedented step for the court.

    The court also notably declared Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians to be a form of segregation and apartheid. It further ruled that nations cannot offer aid in support of the illegal occupation without violating international law, and upheld the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.
